Romance Isn't Dead - Enjolras

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Enjolras swore he would never fall in love- until he found the reader.

CW: drunken flirting, drinking, enjolras being intimidating lol, breakup

It was a late night when you found yourself in the back of the pub, drinking your life away. You had just gotten the news your boyfriend was leaving you. It was a bad break up and you had no where else to go. On the way over to get yourself another drink, you bumped into a quite handsome young man. You didn't think you'd ever seen him before.

"Apologies." He smiles as he helps you catch your balance. "I'm Enjolras. And you?"

"Sorry about that. I'm y/n." You dusted yourself off and then shook his hand.

A smile lights up his face, one that is very attractive. "That's a nice name. Y/N."

"Who are you?" It was obvious both of you had a little much to drink.

"Well, I just said. My name is Enjolras. Now, if you're asking for specifics, I live just up the street and I meet my friends here very often. We're planning a revolution." The both of you continued to walk closer to the bar area. "Why?"

"You intrigue me." You bit your lip to hide back what you truly wanted to say to the poor stranger. He very much did intimidate you, but you found it to be so...captivating and attractive.

"Oh, do I?" This intrigued him. He tilted his head to the side a little bit as his brows furrowed. "How so?"

"I don't know..." you blushed a little bit. "You seem...different."

"Oh." He didn't have words. He clearly wasn't used to this kind of attention. Especially when it didn't come from his revolutionist friends.

"Are you okay? Did I say something wrong?" You felt quite stupid. You had just gotten out of a breakup, what were you doing flirting with a stranger at the pub? It was clear you had one drink too many.

"Yes, I-I'm fine." He smiled and nodded, avoiding eye contact. "You just caught me off guard, that's all." He laughs, but it sounds flustered and unnatural.

"Again, I'm sorry if I said the wrong thing." You almost became just as flustered before changing the subject. "So, you said you were planning a revolution? Tell me more?"

"My friends and I, we want to make things better for our people here in France. We are going to fight the injustices for the people." You can tell he is passionate about this revolution. "My friends and I come here to spread the word and try to recruit people to help. Why are you here?"

"My boyfriend broke up with me, so now I am here. Drinking my sadness away." You joked in a self-deprecating tone.

You watch as his face dropped and a small crease appeared on his forehead. He was definitely surprised in this change of topic.

"Im sorry. He was probably no good anyway." He scoffed. "Isn't it sad? All these people, wasting their precious time chasing after shallow loves?" His voice sounding sincere but pitiful.

"Surely when you find the right one, the one that you truly love, it will be worth it?"

Your question obviously takes him aback, as he stands there, thinking of what to say. He's left a little speechless. "I guess, I'm too busy for love. I spend all my time preparing for the revolution, I don't have time for romance. In fact, I find it quite useless."

"Why would you say that?" Your lips pursed as you grew confused.

"If I'm being honest with you, the thought of romance and terrifies me. It makes people reckless and irrational." His eyes became sad. A type of sadness that was truly sincere. "I would rather spend my time on politics. And I couldn't ever see myself being that vulnerable with someone. Plus, it's stupid."

"Enjolras, I think you're being vulnerable right now by telling me this. It's important to be vulnerable." You grin as you try to comfort him. "It's okay to have a balance of work and love."

His expression somehow becomes a mix of hopeful and worried. "You could be right. Love does make you do some crazy things though."

"And leading a revolution isn't crazy?" You laughed.

This also got a laugh out of him. "I see your point."

"I think you're just scared. Scared about love. You're such a brave person though. I don't see how you're so scared of love. Sure, people will break your heart, take me as an example. I just got broken up with. But here I am, recovering from that, and I am going to come back stronger than before." His gaze softens as you continue speaking to him. You can tell what you're saying is what he needed to hear. "Your heart will get broken, but that only makes you stronger."

A silence grew over the two of you. You both just waited for your drinks to be handed to you.  The few awkward moments of silence had you both thinking over the conversation that you had just had.

Enjolras picked up his drink from the counter and turned to you. "It will make you blind though."

"Maybe that's not such a bad thing." You said to him as he started to walk away. You could tell this really resonated with him. You knew you probably would never see him again, knowing that this was just one of those funny encounters you would think about every now and then. You were okay with that.


It was later in the night, maybe even the early morning. You had lost track of the time and any concept of time you had was long gone. The only people left at the pub were you, Enjolras, friends of Enjolras, and a few drunk stragglers. You had to get home soon. There was only a few sips left in your drink and your family was expecting you home. Just as you m finished up your drink and stood up to leave, you noticed Enjolras stand up as well. He was walking towards you. What could he possibly want? He is probably going to try to drunkenly recruit you for his revolution.

"What're..what are you doing tomorrow?" He was close to slurring his words.


"Because I wanna see you" he giggled. "Maybe romance isn't dead after all?"

He was so tipsy. You couldn't help but laugh at how adorable he was when he wasn't being super intimidating.

"You know where I live" he slowly grabbed your hand and gave it a soft kiss. "Up the street." He turned to you, looked you in your eyes with a wide smile. "Will I see you tomorrow?"

"Lucky for you, I will be 'up the street' tomorrow." You locked eyes with him and blushed a little bit.

"Good. I shall see you then." His ears turned a light pink as he waved goodnight to you.


AN: this was my first time writing Enjolras! I feel like I did not do him justice lol but let me know how I did (nicely pls or I'll cry) 💀

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