No Surprises 2 - Eddie Munson

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A/N: Hello! This works as a part 2 to 'No Surprises', but could also be its own story too if you'd like! Enjoy!

CW: stress, emotional, pregnancy

Your due date was quickly sneaking up on you, and you were currently beyond stressed. Eddie had only just built the crib and that was all. It wasn't that he was lazy, you two just had so much going on with work, appointments, and shopping that everything you had to do had just slipped your mind. You hoped the nesting would have kicked in by now. All of the things you needed to do Eddie had just excused with "you don't need any stress, we'll do it later" or "go take a nap and relax, I don't want you to feel stressed". You also had no idea what you were going to name your baby either. You had some ideas in the back of your mind but hell, you didn't even know if they were a boy or girl yet.

"Baby, please calm down. We'll get it done I promise."

"You promise? Because it seems like we're running out of time.", you were almost brought to tears over how stressed you were, "I desperately need to get this place straightened out before the baby comes, Eddie. Do you not get that?"

Trying his best to remain calm for you, "Yes, and we'll do it", a grin crept up on his face, "in fact, we're gonna have a day devoted to de-stressing you. Let me spend the entire day waiting on you, hand and foot. Tell me where you wanna go and I'll take you."

You sighed before your smile grew wide, "fine. We will go to...", you thought of the perfect place at the moment, "well, you're gonna take me to get food, and then we need to get baby a car seat."

"Sounds like a plan. Give me one second.", he left the room for a few minutes and then came back, "You ready?"

you sighed as Eddie helped you put on your shoes and stand up. He walked you to the car and hopped in. He always wore a radiant smile, but today his smile was was almost suspicious.

"What's got you cheesing so hard today?", you asked.

"Oh please, what's there not to cheese about? I have a beautiful girlfriend, who is bound to be my wife. And said beautiful girlfriend is also about to have our first baby." He grinned widely as he looked back between you and the road infront of him.


Eddie made a quick stop at a drive through and got you lunch before stopping at the store. He held your hand as you made your way to the baby section. Thinking this was going to be one of your last times shopping for your baby before they come made you emotional.

"Babe, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, it's just, next time we'll be in this section shopping, they'll be here with us."

Eddie wiped away one of your tears with his thumb and rubbed your arm, "it's okay. That will be even better."

"I know! It's tears of happiness, you idiot." You smiled.


Together, you picked out a car seat that you both really liked, and then you wandered off into the baby clothes section.

Eddie eventually found you, holding up a tiny onesie, crying.

"Baby, what happened?", Eddie looked panicked as he took the onesie from you and soothingly rubbed your shoulders.

You choked on your tears, "it's just so...tiny."

"I know, baby, I know", he felt bad for wanting to laugh, you couldn't help that you were crying, "Its alright." He wiped a tear from your face and hugged you.

"You're okay", he reassured you, placing arm around you and walked you into a different aisle to distract you. He did everything in his power to make you calm down and after some time, it did work.


After you both got into the car, you apologized, "Ed's? I'm so sorry I was crying in there. I don't want to embarrass you."

He held your face and looked into your eyes, "You would never embarrass me, baby. I know you can't control your emotions right now. Don't apologize sweetheart."

You silently nodded and after a few moments pasted, you quietly asked, "When we get home, will you rub my feet for me?"

He complied, "I'll do anything you ask of me, you know that?"

"How did I get so lucky?", you leaned over and kissed him.


On the car ride home, Eddie stopped at your favorite restaurant and got take out, as per request. On the way to the restaurant, he brought up a topic you both were dreading, but knew it had to be done.

"Can we talk about names?"

"Mhm", you nodded.

"I want you to pick. What do you think?"

you cleared your throat and spoke up, "Well, for a girl, I've always loved the name Rosie. For a boy, i have no idea. Ozzy, maybe? I know you love Ozzy Osbourne."

"Ozzy is great. But if we have a son, I want you to name him after something you like, not me.", He insisted.

"Fine, although I could argue that whatever you love, I love as well", you smiled, "so technically...that also means I love Ozzy Osbourne."

He reluctantly agreed, "If you're happy with it, I guess that logic works." Not wanting to fight, he shrugged.


Stepping out of the car, you noticed the lights to your home were still on, "Eddie? Oh no, I think I might've left the lights on when we left this morning" you recalled turning the lights off before you left very vividly. "I'm sorry, I can't think straight these days." You were more confused than anything, almost certain you had turned the lights off.

You felt horrible knowing you left the lights on until Eddie spoke up, "No, baby, I was the last one out of the house. It's must've been me. It's okay though, it was a simple mistake." He rubbed your shoulder. "let's get you inside"

You knew this was a blatant lie, but at least he was trying to make you feel better. As you walked inside, you noticed a strong smell of fresh paint that hadn't been there before. "What's going on?"

"I'm not sure." Eddie was obviously the worst at telling lies. "let's go check out the nursery."

You groaned, knowing you'd expect to see it bare, with only a crib in the center. You dreaded even walking by it, a constant reminder of how much stuff you still needed to prepare. "Fine."

He led you over to the closed door, and he swung it open. You stepped inside to see the room was now painted a light yellow color, the crib was pushed up against a wall with a changing table right next to it. The closet was full of freshly washed baby clothes you had bought leading up to today. There was a rocking chair in front of the window, with a dresser and a book shelf on either side. The dresser displayed all kinds of pictures, from your ultrasound photos to pictures of you and Eddie. Right above the crib was the hellfire club logo painted in soft pastel colors.

"Honey, I don't- I don't understand?" you stood there in shock.

"Surprise!" Eddie hummed. "The changing table, the dresser, the book shelf were all things I had built last night while you were asleep. This morning, Gareth, Steve, Nancy, Robin, Jeff, Vince, and Henderson all came over and put the place together." He walked you around the room so you could admire every little detail. The room was really coming together

"Baby, I- thank you" you leaned into kiss him, and started to get emotional

"Now, I don't want you to get emotional over this. You deserve it, baby." he kissed you back and wrapped his arms around you. "when we pick a name, Robin told me she'd come back and paint their name above the crib."

"Oh, honey. It's so beautiful." You smiled. His eyes softened the more you admired it. He was so nervous about this surprise, thinking you'd absolutely hate it. "Our baby is so lucky to have you as their dad."

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