One Caravan - Tom Grant

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Reader goes on vacation to a caravan park, but when the only unoccupied caravan left belongs to an employee, what happens?

You pulled up to the caravan park, families playing and having fun all around you. You went to go check in, when an old lady told you some unexpected news.

"Darling, I'm so sorry, but it seems all of our caravans have been claimed. However, I can offer one caravan that belongs to one of our employees. He's currently out of town", she frowned, feeling bad about her offer. Turns out your caravan reservation fell though, since by the time you showed up all the families had claimed them in one way or another. It was only you, and you were in desperate need of a getaway. You wouldn't mind that it was someone else's caravan, you'd only be there to sleep and to get ready in. Plus, you weren't one to snoop around in other people's business. So what?

"That's fine, I'll take it."

"Alrighty then", she smiled, grabbing a pair of keys off a hook on the wall, "you'll have it all to yourself, Tom isn't coming back until next week."

You thanked her and another man led you to the caravan. Carrying your bags into an already lived in caravan, you looked around. There was a neon orange safety jacket, worn work boots near the door, and other old decorations. You figured this Tom guy who lives here is mostly an old man, from the way his home was decorated.

You placed your bags down on a window seat that was covered in a worn-out floral fabric and headed to bed. In the morning, you decided to go out and go to the beach. You put on a black triangle bikini top and matching black bikini bottoms that sat high on your hips. You put on your sunglasses, grabbed a book, and rubbed sun cream all over yourself.


As you laid on your beach towel, you couldn't help but notice how a few of the workers, especially the men, couldn't take their eyes off you. You weren't going to question it though, figuring that the people that work here were so isolated from the people out of town.

It wasn't until a young man in a uniform approached you, "Oi, where are you staying at?"

You were a little concerned, "why?"

"I'm an employee here", he stood there waiting for an answer

"caravan 375."

"Ah, I see", he smirked, "Tom's caravan. That dirty bastard." He laughed to himself.

"What do you mean?"

"I should've seen that coming", he shook his head, still laughing, "I didn't know Tom was the type, even though you look exactly like a woman Tom would bring around."

You ignored this comment, becoming uncomfortable. Why would this man, a man you had never met before, be talking to you about this? It was very strange. You were brought right back into your book, not wanting to converse with this man anymore.

"I get it, I'll leave you be." He walked off without another word.


You decided to head back to the caravan after you had gotten a little red. You let out a sigh before stepping into the door, and then you noticed something. A new pair of shoes had been left outside the door, on a mat. Then you heard noises coming from inside. Someone had broken in. Your breath became heavy as you mentally prepared yourself to fight the intruder. Slamming the door open, you carefully looked around. You noticed a few bags that weren't there before on the kitchen floor. Soon a young man came out of the bedroom, wearing shorts and a white t-shirt.

He hummed before looking up, noticing you standing there, "Holy fuckin' hell, who are you?" He jumped back and gasped.

"Who are you?", your eyes went wide, there was no way this was the actual owner of this caravan, "I'm y/n, I'm staying here...."

"I'm Tom, and this is my caravan", he pointed to his chest, sounding really confused.

"Well, they told me I could stay here. Said you were out of town or something."

"Yeah I was, until my trip was cut short", he sighed, his brows furrowed together, "Whatever, I don't care. You can stay here, I'll sleep on the window seat."

He sat down at the kitchen table and grabbed himself a drink, "what are you doing here anyway? Girls like you never come around to this shit area."

"I need a vacation." You said as he handed you a drink as well, "this is where you work?"

"Yeah, I live here. I kind of like the quietness, but sometimes I get a bit lonely. You're bit of a change of pace", he kindly smiled

"Sounds nice. Would you show me around later? I've only gotten to see the beach so far."

"What do you want to see? There's not much here. Just the occasional beach party", he took a sip of his drink, "mostly everyone here is a huge wanker, though."

You scoffed, "I believe that. Went to the beach in a bikini and I wouldn't stop getting stared at."

"You look good though, I don't blame them.", he said, mouth full of beer. You, suddenly feeling shy, forgot you never got a chance to change out of your bikini.

"Well thanks. If you don't mind, I'm gonna go change now." And you stepped into the other room to throw on a T-shirt and sweatpants.


You and Tom spent the rest of the day talking about each others lives. You discovered that he had just gotten out of a relationship, his ex cheating on him with another woman, who also happened to be an employee at the park. He took you to the arcade, the laundry room, and even gave you a tour of the communal showers. He made sandwiches for dinner, and you two sat eating them when there was a knock at the door.

Tom rushed over to the door, swinging it open. It was the same man from earlier, the one from the beach.

"Hey, you going to the beach bonfire tonight?", he asked.

Tom looked back at you, looking for your confirmation, then back at the man, "Yeah mate, I'll be there."

The man peeked inside, noticing you sitting at the table, "Ahhh man, I knew it.", he grabbed Tom's shoulders and shook him with a smile, "Good on you, mate."

He looked confused, nodding slowly. After he closed the door, he walked back over to you, "Fuck was that all about?"

You shrugged, mouth full of your sandwich, "don't know."


Getting ready for the very anticipated beach bonfire, you put on a light pink cropped tank top, and a pair jean shorts that your elders would consider to be 'distasteful'. On the other hand, Tom put on a pair of baggy jeans, and a grey zip up hoodie.

"You look hot...but... is that what you're wearing?", he smirked

"Yep. It's what I packed." You nodded, completely not understanding what he was getting at.

"You ever been to a beach party before? You might get cold."

You smirked back, "Well then, maybe it's just an excuse to have to borrow your hoodie."

He went over to a coat hook and picked up one of his coats. It was a worn, dark blue hoodie. he threw it to you, "here."

You immediately put it on, taking in his light scent of beer and an unfamiliar scent that made you think the hoodie must've been his work hoodie. It wasn't bad by any means, just smelled of various materials he must have worked with.

"You ready?"

You nodded and he softly grabbed your hand and you two made your way to the beach. In the distance, you heard music blaring and a fiery orange light illuminating the sand.


He grabbed your waist and rested his forehead against yours. You danced to the loud music and wished the moment would last forever.

A random woman Tom knew came up and gave you both beers, and then running off before you got the chance to thank her.

"How much longer until you go back into civilization?" You cheered your beers together and took a sip.

"Not until next week."

"In the mean time, let's make this next week count.", he leaned in to kiss you, and you kissed him back.

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