Romance Isn't Dead 2 - Enjolras

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Part 2 to Romace Isn't Dead! Requested!

CW: mentions of breakup, mentions of drinking

The sun was shining bright as you walked down the road. You were too happy to even care about your slight hangover. In the distance, you could see Enjolras strolling down the road, admiring the nature around him.

As you came closer, you came in contact with his familiar scent from the night before.

You lightly tapped him on the shoulder."Enjolras?"

He quickly spun around and his eyes go wide at the sight of you. A broad smile accompanies his face. He's surprised to see you here, his heart can't help but flutter. "You're here! You made it!" His entire body is radiating his excitement. "It's great to see you."

A big smile also appears on your face. "It's great to see you as well!" You remember everything about him from last night. You were just as shocked that he actually showed up. "So, what do you have planned for today?"

He gives you a caring smile, while he's still a little bit confused. It's like he didn't expect you to see you again either. "Oh! Well, would you like to come to the cafe with me?" He seems to really really want you to say yes.

"Sure!" You nod, hoping anything you do with him you'll have fun doing.

He can't even hide his smile as he links his arm in yours. "Let's get going then."

As you walk down the street, you can't help but notice how many people turn their heads. You could almost read everyone's minds, but you didn't blame them. The town revolutionist who swore off love and romance, is now smiling and linking arms with a woman?  The air around you is filled with such joy that you couldn't even pay any mind to what other people are thinking. Having him beside you is so much more magical than you could have imagined. Even though you only met him last night while in a drunken state, it felt like you had known him for years. You would do anything to keep him around for longer, and you're sure he felt the same way about you as well.

He looks over at you, noticing how silent you're being. "How's your day so far? Did you sleep well last night?"

You glanced up at him for a second, blushing. "I didn't get home until quite late, so I missed out on some sleep. Although, I think I can say that seeing you has made my day considerably better." Your shyness was adorable to him.

"O-oh..." he blushed. "You're too kind. Though I'm sure you've been told that many times before, mon amour."

Mon amour? Were you dreaming? Inside you were screaming for somebody to pinch you back to reality. "I'm not being nice...I'm just being honest."

He nodded. "The world needs more honesty. You're very admirable." He goes silent for a moment. You can always tell when he's thinking because of the way his brows furrowed and his eyes would sort of gaze off. "Say, can I ask you a question?"

"Sure!" You say with probably way too much enthusiasm.

"What do you think of the revolution so far? Do you understand the values of freeing the people from the political oppression? Do you enjoy politics?" He seems a bit more serious now, but his eyes are still filled with fondness when he looks into yours. Politics is his favorite topic of discussion, so it's no surprise he discusses it with people he admires.

You nod. "I'm not too into politics personally, but seeing how passionate you are about it makes me want to try it out."

A wide smile slowly grows across his face as he registers what you've said. "That means a lot."


You finally reach the cafe and Enjolras holds the door open for you. "What are you going to order?" You ask him as you wait for him to walk through the door.

"Should we order some coffee? They do excellent sandwiches and pastries. Perhaps I'll get an espresso and a croissant. What would you like? I suppose you've never been here before?"

You nodded as you looked around the cozy cafe, admiring all the decor. "I'll get the same."

"I see. A woman after my own heart." He lets out a little chuckle before going up to the counter to order. He seemed very giddy at the thought of you and him sharing a bite to eat- especially if it's the same order.

You begin to get out your wallet before he stops you. "Please. That's very generous of you, but I'm more than happy to treat you." He was desperate to prove that he was a true gentleman.


You two sat at a table, sipping on your espressos. The croissants were bound to be brought to your table any second now. Enjolras kept giving you gentle smiles. He looked so breathtaking against the sunlit window.

"How's everything with y-your-" he was hesitant to ask, knowing the breakup was still fresh.

"My boyfriend? Well, my ex boyfriend. Yeah, he's long gone. I'm already over him." You didn't care. It was true, you were already over him. You had your eye on somebody new.

"That's good. I don't know what he was thinking, breaking up with a woman like you." He took another sip of his espresso. A few moments of silence went by, giving each other soft smiles.

"You look really nice." You sighed and studied his face some more.

It's safe to say he was caught off guard by the way his face turned red. He was surprised- not many women had complimented him in his lifetime. Although he had trouble making eye contact, he tried to play it off. "Y-you look nice too..." he sheepishly mumbled. You could tell he was speechless and itching to compliment you back. But in an attempt to not come on too strong, it just came out sounding apathetic. "You look like an absolute goddess."

You blushed and looked into your lap. You had realized how much you were smiling uncontrollably until Enjolras picked your chin up and looked into your eyes. "You're beautiful. I'm glad you have opened my eyes to what this could be like. I feel like I've been missing out  all these years."

You took a sip from your coffee and then faced him. "Would you still say romance is dead?"

He grinned. "Not one bit."

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