Dream Girl - Eddie Munson

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Eddie Munsons friends keep telling him about this dream girl that he needs to be set up with...little does he know he already knows who this dream girl is...


Eddie Munson was at lunch, when Dustin sat down at the same table.

"Eddie, there's this girl in my biology class. She's a dream girl, and let me tell you, you guys would look so cute together-"

He quickly shut this down, "Shut it, Henderson. I already am interested in someone else, and she is my dream girl."

"Oh really?", Dustin smiled, not buying it. This wasn't the first time Eddie had lied to him about girls, "what's her name?"

"I don't know. She dropped her car off at the shop the other day, that's how I know her.", he smiled, completely in awe.

"Maybe when she comes to pick it up, ask for her name? But I swear man, this girl in my biology class was made for you.", Dustin pleaded.

"Whatever. What does she even look like?" Eddie rolled his eyes, he really only wanted his dream girl, not some girl Dustin swore to be a dream girl.

"She has h/c hair and beautiful e/c eyes. You can tell she's into the same things that you're into." He paused for a moment, "I think her name is y/n l/n?"

"Noted. The girl who came into the shop had h/c hair and e/c eyes too, but that's a really broad description for a woman. I mean shit half the girls in this school have h/c hair and e/c eyes. But hers, man, hers were different."

Dustin nodded sarcastically and they continued eating their lunches.


A few days later, Steve came into the shop to pick his car up. Steve could tell Eddie was working by the Metallica playing obnoxiously loud.

"Ow, dude, can you please turn that down!?" Steve shouted covering his ears, causing Eddie to turn around, jumping when he noticed Steve was standing there.

"Woah, didn't see you there", Eddie wore a black T-shirt with the sleeves cut. He leaned against Steve's car, lightly patting the hood, "this bad boy looks good as new."

"Thanks man, I owe you one", Eddie threw Steve the keys, "oh, before I forget. There was this girl that came into family video this morning, and holy shit, she was exactly you're type."

"Oh yeah? What's her name?", Eddie smirked, not really interested in any other girl besides his dream girl, but willing to entertain Steve.

"I think it's uh...shit...I forget", he sighed, "when she comes to drop off the movie I will not forget", he made the most suspicious smile, "in fact, I'm gonna set you two up."

Eddie nodded sarcastically, draping a towel over his shoulder, "what's up with you and Dustin thinking you know who my 'dream girl' is?" He chuckled, "God damn."


On Monday, after long day at school, Eddie, Steve, and Dustin were on their way to hit the record shop after school. Eddie had been saving up for a new album and Steve and Dustin wanted to tag along.

Eddie leaned against the hood of his van, smoking a cigarette before him, Steve, and Dustin left.

Dustin attempted to take the cigarette away from him, "Dude, you can't smoke that on school grounds."

Eddie pushed Dustin's hand away from him and mocked, "Dude, I can do whatever the hell I want."

"Would you two please be quiet?" Steve crossed his arms.

"When can we leave?" Dustin bugged, "Can we get ice cream after?"

"Whenever I'm done", Eddie pulled the cigarette away from his lips and blew smoke out, "the more you keep talking, the longer I'm gonna take."

Dustin went silent while Steve let out a little chuckle. Eddie spoke again, "...Yes, we can get ice cream. If you're not too annoying."

Dustin cracked a smile and slightly threw his hands up, "Yay! I promise I won't be too-", his face quickly dropped and he gasped, "Eddie! That's the girl from my biology! That's Y/N

Steve looked over, and that's when his face dropped as well, "No, shit, Henderson. That's the girl from family video."

"You guys are so full of shit", Eddie nodded and laughed, "I swear to god if I turn around and she's not all that, I'm killing you both."

Eddie slowly turned around, and when his eye caught a glimpse of this girl, his jaw dropped too, "holy shit. That's her." He smiled in amazement.

"Told ya." Steve said in his classic smart ass tone.

"That's the girl, my dream girl." He just stared at her and never took his eyes off. She was walking towards a car. The same car Eddie had worked on just days earlier at the shop. Her car.

Dustin shoved him,"Well, don't be stupid, go over there and say hi!"

"okay, okay, geez." He started walking over.


You saw the guy who worked on your car start to approach you. You knew the school thought badly of him but wanted to decide that for yourself. You couldn't lie, he did look really attractive. He held a cigarette between his two fingers, smirking as he made his way closer to you. Once his musk and cigarette scent entered your vicinity, you knew you were in deep.

"Hey, are you Y/N?"

"Yes I am, and you're...Eddie? Right? Eddie Munson?"

"Y...Yeah", he smiled and he seemed very nervous, "So, I'm having a concert on Friday at the hideout, would you wanna watch? It's kinda underwhelming, so don't feel pressure to come watch."

"Hell yeah, I am so down." Picturing him playing guitar made your heart flutter.

Eddie took a long pause and then asked, "What are you doing tonight?"

You thought for a second, "I have nothing going on. Why?"

He fidgeted with the cigarette in his fingers, "Would you wanna go to a diner tonight? When I get off work?"

"I'd love that." You smiled.

"I'll pick you up at 8. See you later, sweetheart." And turned around without another word. You couldn't help but admire him as he walked away.

And the rest is history.

A/N: Happy Valentine's Day! I hope you enjoyed this one :) let me know if you have any requests or want to see anything specific! <3

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