The Nanny - Joseph Quinn

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Reader decides to nanny for Joseph's children while he's on set, until they finally fall for each other

CW: dad!Joseph, fluff, kids? Idk


You had just moved to London in hopes to find a fresh start. You put up flyers around town with your information, hoping to become a nanny, hanging them in the especially rich parts and near the schools. You had went to school for child care and plus you were going through a rough patch in your relationship with your boyfriend. You recently broke up with him, feeling like he was holding you back.

A few days passed before you got any phone calls, but when you did, you sprang out of your chair to answer the phone.

"Hello?", you answered in your usual friendly manner

"Hello", a voice spoke over the line, it was a man. "I'm calling for y/n?"

"Speaking. Who is this?" You smiled, wondering who was on the other line.

"My name is Joseph Quinn, but please, call me Joe. I saw your ad for a nanny and well, I'm in desperate need of one. My wife is currently traveling. With me working and's quite hard, to be honest.", he sounded tired, but delightful nonetheless.

"I'd be happy to help you out. I'll send you my resume immediately", you got out a pen and paper to write down his phone number, "is there a number or email I can get from you?"

He gave you his email and phone number and eventually hung up. After emailing and texting back and forth for a few days, you finally figured out a good date to meet and meet the kids.


The following Saturday, you walked to Joe's home. It was warm and sunny out, not to mention his home sat on a beautiful street. You rang the doorbell, hearing children laughing inside. The entire atmosphere felt very welcoming and joyful.

"Hello! Glad you could make it!", A man opened the door, you presumed he was Joe. He had the most incredible deep brown eyes you've ever seen. His hair was curly and he had a bit of stubble. His entire personality was so captivating.

"Joe? Thanks for reaching out", you smiled, shaking his hand, "I'm so excited to start."

"The girls can't wait to meet you", he grinned, "Come on inside."

You followed him inside, the inside was somehow more beautiful than the outside. The home was decorated with so much attention and love.

"Let me go get them, wait right here yeah?" He ran up the steps and you nodded.

You carefully looked around, noticing even more attention to detail. On the wall right next to the front door, there was a family portrait. There was Joe on the left, with two little girls snuggled up between him and a woman.

You heard footsteps coming down the steps, followed by smaller ones running. He had a small child in his arms, which you presumed to be one in the picture, and then came another one, which you also recognized from the photo.

"This is Audrey", he pointed to the girl standing next to him, she looked to be about six years old. He then pointed to the younger child in his arms, who looked to be no older than three, "and this is Estrella."

He placed the younger one down, "loves, go ahead and introduce yourself", he smiled as the two girls approached you.

"Hi, my name is Audrey. I am six years old!"

"Hi Audrey, it is so nice to meet you", you smiled, giving her a hug, "I've heard so many good things about you. My name is y/n."

"I am Estrella!", the smaller one spoke, "and I am this many!" She held up three fingers and grinned.

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