Snow Day - Eddie Munson

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Reader is snowed in at Eddie's trailer. They're in a situation-ship and need to sort their relationship out.

CW: hot chocolate making, fluff, snowed in trope, situation-ships

Pulling open the stained curtain in Eddie's trailer, you wanted to take a glance outside. To your dismay, the entire outside was covered in a deep white layer of snow. "Damn it!" You sighed to yourself, flailing back into Eddie's bed.

As he tossed and turned beside you, you prayed for him to wake up so he would acknowledge the amount of snow outside as well. Turns out having a sleep over with your situation-ship on the night of a potentially dangerous snow storm was in fact, not a good idea.

You heard the phone begin to ring from the other room. God, was his trailer so small you could hear it so clearly. You hopped up, running over to answer it. You weren't careful to not wake up Eddie, it was already later in the morning and already felt bored to death alone in the quiet trailer. He let out a groan just as you picked up the busted landline telephone.

"Hello?" You said, with a curious smile.

"Hello? Is this the Munson residence?" A voice from the other line asked. This voice could only be recognized as your schools head superintendent.

"Yes, is this Mrs. Madden?"

"Yes it is." The lady cleared her throat and kept talking. "I'm calling to inform you that due to weather conditions, Hawkins high school will not be open today. Enjoy your snow day."

A sigh of relief hit you, you knew she would only ever call homes if she needed to get somebody into trouble or to tell them about a snow day. "Thank you for letting me know. Have a good one." Hawkins high school was a small school but you knew she had quite a few phone calls to make. You didn't want to keep her too long.

"My pleasure. You as well."

You hung the phone up and leaned against the outdated wallpaper that covered the walls. As if it was perfectly timed, Eddie walked out of his bedroom, in a pair of sweatpants and a worn out band shirt. His hair was a disheveled, knotted mess.

"Mrs. Madden's on the phone? you know why...?" He asked, still rubbing his eyes. He's received calls from school one too many times to actually care about what Mrs. Madden had to actually say.

"Ed's, have you even looked outside?" You gestured to the window, the white sheet on snow immediately illuminating through the window.

He looked at you, then looked at the window. He slowly made his way over to the window and looked outside. "Shit." He slid the curtain back into its place and sauntered back over to you. "Snow day?"

You nodded. "Yup. Looks like you're stuck with me for the entire day now." You smiled and nudged his side. "Bet you're really regretting last night now."

"Me? Regretting a night with you? Never." He smiled back with a wink. If Eddie knew one thing, it was he knew exactly how to get you flustered.

You were speechless for a moment "Um... anyways." in a desperate attempt to change the subject, you opened a few of his cabinets. "Do you want me to make us breakfast? Hm? Maybe hot chocolate?" You bent down, trying to look for something to make.

Coming up right behind you, he opened up a higher cabinet. "Hot chocolate would be great. Thanks." He pulled the packets of hot chocolate powder out of the box and placed it onto the counter. You thanked him and began to heat up some milk.

He smirked as he sat down. "As a warning, it gets really cold in here. Might need know, snuggle up to each other to get some warmth."

The awkwardness of the situation was really coming out to play. The past six months of you and Eddie just playing your relationship off as 'the talking stage' has gone way too far now.

"Wow, Eddie. Wow." You shook your head, lightly laughing. You pretended like you dreaded even getting near him, but what the hell, who were you fooling? You wanted nothing more than to be with him -officially."Eddie, what the hell are we doing? You know? We've been going back and forth with this for more than six months now. I think we need to make up our minds already." You didn't even know what you were saying, you were just spitting out whatever thoughts came into your brain. "Do you want to be together or not?"

"Woah. Okay. Shit. Uh." He seemed really caught off guard, like he was just smacked back to reality. "I really like you, I do. I feel like I make that obvious. And you're right. We shouldn't keep going back and forth, like were some 'friends with benefits' we both know there's an emotional attachment here too."

"Yes or no?"

"Yes, of course. It's always gonna be a yes. I'm sorry, I feel like I should have just asked you out from the get-go. That was just wrong of me." He looked into his lap with sincerity.

"Finally I got an answer out of you. Took six months."

He chuckled at the situation. "Six months too late."

"So, like, what are we?" You asked, pouring the hot milk into two mugs.

"We're whatever you want us to be. I can see myself really being with you, like for real." He grabbed his own packet of the hot chocolate powder and poured it into one of them mugs.

"Well then, if you want to be with me, just say the word." You said, stirring your own cup of hot chocolate.

"Sweetheart, I believe I've already said the word. Be mine? Like, really this time?" He took a sip of his hot chocolate then placed it down in shock. "Oh! I almost forgot!" He jumped up and ran over to the fridge.

"Ed's, I'll always be yours." You stopped him before he could open the fridge door, wrapping your arms around his neck as your lips collided against his.

He stared at you with the most passion filled eyes you have ever seen. "I'm so ready for this with you." He opened the fridge and pulled out a can of whipped cream. He put some on top of the two mugs of hot chocolate, then put a drizzle in your mouth, and then in his.

He flipped through a shelf with movies on it, looking for the perfect one to watch. His fingers landed on a beat up vhs copy of The Empire Strikes Back. You could tell just by it's appearance that it was well loved. "Gotcha." He whispered as he grabbed the movie and put it into the television.

You walked over to the couch and took a sip of your comforting hot chocolate. "What're we watching?" The smell of the sweet chocolate filled your nose, making you feel all warm inside.

"Empire Strikes Back. It's the best Star Wars movie. Plus, it kinda passes as a winter movie?" He sat down on the couch and patted a spot for you to sit next to him. He wrapped a blanket around you both and put his arm around your shoulder.

"Turns out a snow day with you was really what we needed." You smiled, leaning into him.

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