Headcanons - Eddie Munson

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Eddie Munson headcannons because I said so.

•Eddie has various notebooks but only the first few pages of each one are filled out

•Found a motorcycle in a junkyard when he was younger and has been fixing it ever since. (This is where he learned a lot of his mechanic skills)

•On the occasion he gets into a fight with Wayne, he will hide in his van and stay there until Wayne feels bad and apologizes

•Will willingly eat literal baby food

•Ate glue and dirt as a child

•Paints his nails with sharpie

•Will want you to braid his hair for him on occasion, but other than that he doesn't want anyone touching his hair

•He either sleep fully clothed or completely naked depending on the day

•Two headcannons for why he shaved his head
when he was younger:
         -His mother was sick and his father was abusive, so nobody could help him keep up with it, it was neglected so bad to the point where he just had to shave it off.
         -His father got mad at him and shaved it off as a punishment

•Will wear his socks inside out because he just doesn't care to turn them right side out

•When he was little he pooped in the backyard and said it was because he "wanted to find out how dogs feel when they poop"

•Fell asleep in the shower once and Wayne beat his ass because of how high the water bill was LMAO

•Picks up anything he finds on the ground, especially half smoked cigarettes

•Wore eyeliner once when he was around 13, but his dad called him slurs and made him take it off

•Will steal your textbooks at school and you won't notice its gone until you go home and he'll feel bad afterwards

•Literally just uses shampoo and lets it run down his body as he washes it out and then calls himself 'clean'

•Dies of laughter anyone says "balls" or makes a fart joke

•He has religious trauma because his parents were both very religious

•Eats those disgusting strawberry hard candies and actually enjoys it

•He thinks people talk shit about him way more than they actually do (everyone just ignores him and forgets his existence)

•People would ask him out as a joke in middle school

A/N: I apologize some of these HIT DEEP. I also really need requests so if you want me to write anything pls let me know!

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