Battle Wounds - Billy Knight

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tw: mentions of suicide
Billy was grown quite insecure of his suicide attempt scars, and reader helps him to embrace them.


Your boyfriend Billy, was getting better from his illness. He had been taking his medication and going to therapy, and getting other help. You and Billy had been friends since forever, but have recently decided to take your relationship to the next level. You both wanted to take your relationship slow.

Although Billy was recovering, he would still have episodes every now and then. It was a long day and you had just gotten home from work.

"Billy! I'm home!" You lightly called out, alerting him that you have arrived home. There was a banging noise in the bedroom upstairs

"Billy?" You called out once again, your footsteps growing closer to the bedroom. You knocked twice, just like you always did, then opened the door.

Billy was sat on the bed, sobbing his eyes out. As soon as he saw you enter the room, he looked away, seemingly ashamed.

"Oh, baby" You tip toed to him and wrapped him in your arms, "What happened? Hm? Deep breaths."
He sobbed into your chest until he was able to calm down.

"I hate it." He mumbled into your chest.

"You hate what? You need to talk to me so I can help you." You rested a hand on his lower back and looked him right in the eye-he liked it when you made eye contact while speaking to him.

He seemed choked up and the words didn't come out. He let a few more sobs escape, "I hate these terrible, ugly scars", he winced. Once he realized it was not as bad to talk about as he thought, he started going on, "Everyday I wake up and I have to see these hideous scars. I hate it, I hate them. I mean look at 'em, they're horrid!", he whined, "I'm monstrous with these things all over. How do you even love me?"

When he asked that last question you felt a piece of yourself break.

"Baby, you're beautiful", it pained you so much to see Billy hurt, you just wanted him happy, healing, and healthy. You leaned your head into his and spoke lowly to him,"Billy, your scars tell a story. You are so strong. Each scar you have is one more battle that you have survived. You wouldn't be the same you that I love if you hadn't had your scars. They're a part of you, and I love you."

He particularly hated his chest scar. The one he got when he was stabbed. You unbuttoned his shirt with his help, and admired the large scar, "This one is my favorite", you whispered, making sure he heard, "I mean, you got stabbed in the chest and survived? You're pretty bad ass."

You heard soft laughter come out of him.

You picked up his arm and ran your finger over a large scar. "They're your battle wounds."

He repeated after you shortly,

"They're my battle wounds."

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