Umbrella - Billy Knight

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Reader cares for Billy after she finds him outside in the rain. and he's drenched.


You were coming home from a party, the rain was pouring just the same as when you had first went out.

You put up your black umbrella, shielding you from the rain. You could hardly see in the pitch black night, but under a street lamp you saw a particular someone. He was laying down on a bench, with no cover from the rain. You had always hated walking home alone, especially this late. You wouldn't always go up to strangers, but this wasn't a stranger. You had seen him around town, talked to him when you had the chance. You weren't friends, only acquaintances. You knew his circumstances weren't very fortunate and wanted to give him everything he deserved.

Seeing him laying down in the cold rain did break your heart just a little bit, "Billy?", you ran over to him as fast as you could. His knees were cuddled up to his chest, and his arms were wrapped around his knees.

"What?", his voice shivering from the cold and also from being scared. He head lifted slightly up, looking you in the eyes. He looked so frightened. "Leave me alone, y/n."

"Billy?", you held out your hand, "C'mon Billy, you're going to get yourself sick."

"Let me", he pouted, his eyes glistening from what was most likely tears, "oh god",he groaned under his breath.

You bent down to get a better look, noticing his clothes and his hair were completely soaked, "Billy, you're soaked! Come on darling, come back to my place, I'll get you all warmed up." You knew he needed that comfort. You were going to run him a warm bath, get him a new change of clothes, give him some warm food.

With the help of you, he got up and you quickly readjusted your umbrella to fit both of you. You put your arm around him as you walked and couldn't help but notice his shivering. Luckily, you weren't very far from your home now.


Opening the door, turning the entrance light on, you noticed how truly terrible he looked. His lips were chapped and scabbed, his eyes had dark circles under them, his face was very pale, and his hair was knotted. The first thing you did upon arrival to your house was to light the fireplace.

"Billy, why don't you stand in front of the fire while I go run you a bath? Hm?"

He complied with a nod, moving slightly closer to the fireplace. You draped a blanket over his shoulders before going over to the bathroom.

You turned the water on and made sure it was at a warm temperature, but not too warm.

While you were letting it fill, Billy came in to watch what was happening.

"You want bubbles?", you asked, holding up a nice smelling bottle of bubble bath.

He nodded. "Yes please.." he was clearly upset, not being as talkative as usual. You knew of his bad past and his mental health wasn't the best, you didn't want to pry.

As you poured in the soap, you spoke up. "You know you can talk to me, right?"

A nod. You just had to except the most you were going to get out of him was a nod.

"Okay, the bath is almost ready." You stuck your hand in the tub to check the temperature. "I'll leave so you can get in."

"" He stopped you, your back turned and halfway out the door, "Can...can you stay please?"

"Mhm" You kindly smiled. Once he was getting undressed you turned away.

You heard him sit down in the tub, "Can I look? Are you fully in the tub now?"

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