Y/n info

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So basically Y/n is a (half?) siren making her immortal (Not completely invulnerable though). She does not yet have siren song and very few scales. She lives with her mother and grandmother and knows nothing about her father. y/n is 15. Y/n does have other powers of sirens like aquatic breathing and stuff. 

This story will have singing and stuff in it as Monster High: the movie is a musical, of course if that's not your thing you can skip past most of them (They'll mostly be in Bold) however the story may not make as much sense as you do (I would recommend not skipping past the first two)

If you do like music and stuff in your fanfictions and you wanna help out feel free to recommend a song at the end of each chapter and stuff. I am in a bit of a Disney phase right now so a lot of the songs might be Disney (Considering the first two songs are literally songs from Tangled)

This story DOES revolve around Y/n so some of the chapters (particularly the first few) won't have deuce in them.

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