Chapter 23: Evil

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A/n: so this chapter isn't the greatest but oh well, got a bit lazy at one point writing this, take a guess where (not actually... unless you want to), anyways so i figured I've been too nice to you guys and haven't given you a song chapter for a while so, have this one.

Just before Draculaura and Frankie had gone to find Clawdeen in the human world, Eternity caught up to them.

"Draculaura!" Eternity called out, running up to her.

"What is it, Eternity? We're just about to do something." Draculaura asked.

"You're- You're a witch, right?" Eternity asked.

"How did you-"

"Mallory told me... I forced it out of her... I got Mercy to force it out of her. That's not the point, look I dunno if you know much about fixing spells but, I need you to help me." Eternity spoke.

"This is about Y/n... isn't it?" Draculaura asked and Eternity nodded "I'll try help... I'm not amazing at magic but we can at least placebo affect her."

Eternity nodded.

Y/n was found in her dorm, looking at herself in a hand mirror.

"Y/n." Draculaura spoke.

"Draculaura, how kind of you to pay me a visit." She hummed, placing the mirror down, her eyes landing on the spell book in the vampire's hand, her expression turning cold "To what do I owe the displeasure?"

"I just wanted a chat." Draculaura stated.

"Hm. Well, I sincerely hope you don't plan on using that spell book on me Draculaura... not like it'd work if you tried." The girl hissed, swinging her legs over the side of her bed and standing up.

"Don't worry, I don't intend to use it if I don't have to," Draculaura spoke, her eyes narrowing at the girl.

Y/n pursed her lips.

"Good." She sounded, crossing her arms "So what is it you wanted?"

"Y/n... I wanted to know, what is going on with you?" Draculaura asked gently.

"Excuse me?" The girl hissed.

"You're not... acting like yourself... what's going on?" Draculaura questioned, choosing her words carefully.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Y/n spoke.

Draculaura paused taking a deep breath, before speaking.

"Y/n, you're acting... meaner, more brash, to everyone- You even insulted Kirby."

"So, what? I start standing up for myself and suddenly it's a problem? Did you expect me to be the same old innocent little Y/n forever? The weak, naïve pushover?" The girl snapped, stepping closer.

"No. But... Y/n you weren't any of those things, you were kind and loving, yes sometimes you could be naïve but everyone is at some point in their lives, and you will learn and grow! This? How you're acting now? Isn't standing up for yourself, it's just being mean. I know you're not mean Y/n. What happened?" Draculaura spoke, carefully stepping closer.

Y/n scoffed.

"Nothing happened." She hissed "And if you really think that of me, then perhaps you don't know me as well as you thought."

"Then help me!" Draculaura exclaimed, taking another step closer "Help me know you. Because the Y/n I know is the bravest ghoul I know, the kindest, hell- the smartest. But if that's not you, then help me know the real you, let me in. Allow me to understand you."

There was a flicker of recognition in the siren's eyes before it disappeared.

"Y/n, I just want to help you." Draculaura spoke, gently grabbing the girl's hand "Can you let me do that?"

The girl ripped her hand away, her eyes narrowing as she let out a cackle.

"You were going to spell me, weren't you?" She laughed "You thought if you did, you'd 'bring me back' huh? Well, you can't."


However, Y/n wasn't listening, she snapped her fingers and as if it was magic, Draculaura found herself without the ability to speak.

"Uh-uh, no more talking, time to listen." The girl spoke, jumping up onto her desk and snapping her fingers again.

A green aura surrounded the two monsters, and music began to play around them.

Draculaura's brows furrowed, finding herself extremely confused.

"Everybody see my sunny, everybody see my shine. But they don't know my story, they don't know what's on my mind." The girl sang, jumping off the desk, picking up a small silver object- that appeared to be a tiara- where she got it was beyond Draculaura's knowledge.

"I carry on like a princess but man I've got 'em fooled 'Cause underneath my business I am cold, I'm hard, I'm cruel" She sang, placing the tiara upon her head.

"Never gonna put a spell on me, never ever gonna bring me back, never gonna make me be somethin' I'm not because I'm evil." The girl sang, snatching the witch's spell book out of her hands.

"Tell the people I'm evil. Open your eyes I'm all a disguise." The girl sang, throwing the spell book aside "Everybody in my circle, think I'm gonna be their friend- but I got bad intentions and I'm gonna have 'em again."

Draculaura tilted her head at the girl's words, her brain rushing with thoughts.

"So why should I stop my dissin' or soften up my heart? Tell me what good is livin' if you can't be who you are, yeah."

Draculaura suddenly found herself able to talk again.

"Y/n- these are your friends you're hurting I don't understand why-"

"Never gonna put a spell on me Never ever gonna bring me back Never gonna make me be Somethin' I'm not because I'm evil. Tell the people I'm evil."

"Y/n you're not-"

"Open your eyes I'm all a disguise, I'm evil tell the people I'm evil."


"Open your eyes I'm all a disguise. I'm gonna find some trouble, trouble I'm gonna make some trouble, I'm gonna find some trouble. I'm gonna find some trouble, trouble I'm gonna make some trouble I'm gonna find some trouble"

"Y/n please listen!" The vampire begged.

"Never gonna put a spell on me, never ever gonna bring me back, never gonna make me be somethin' I'm not- because I'm evil. Tell the people, hey I'm evil, yeah."

The vampire clenched her jaw, quickly rushing to her spell book, however the girl in front of her caught on, and grabbed it before she could.

"Open your eyes I'm all a disguise, I'm evil tell the people, hey, yeah, hey so evil open your eyes I'm all a disguise" Y/n flicked through the spell book lazily, as if examining the pages.

"I'm gonna find some trouble, trouble I'm gonna make some trouble, I'm gonna find some trouble, I'm gonna find some trouble, trouble I'm gonna make some trouble, I'm gonna find some trouble" The girl found the page she had been looking for, and pulled it out of the book with a smirk causing Draculaura to gasp "Oh, no."

"Y/n!" Draculaura exclaimed as the girl crumpled up the page, nails digging into the paper, and threw it into a nearby trash can.

"Goodbye Draculaura." She spoke, leaving the dorm.

Left alone in the girl's dorm, Draculaura moved over to the trash can and carefully pulled out the crumpled-up page, smoothing it out and reading the top.

'Siren curses and how to break them. '

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