Chapter 4: Trees

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Y/n rushed through the halls looking at everything she could until eventually she came to the decision to explore the outside of the school too. She stepped outside and smiled brightly; the sun was shining at its highest point gesturing it was around 12 pm. She looked at the ground that was so close to her, dirt and grass. She had never really seen much dirt or grass considering her island mostly had sand. She looked at the stairs before getting an idea. She took her shoes off feeling the stone underneath.


"Look at the world, such a big dream and I'm almost there." She sung looking towards the school grounds "Look at it all, so big, do I even dare? Look at me, there at last, I just have to do it."

"Should I?" She asked Kirby who pinched the hem of the top of her outfit and nodded. "No. Here I go."

She ran down the stairs as fast as she could and jumped onto the ground when she reached the last three stairs.

"Just smell the grass, the dirt, just like I dreamed they'd be. Just feel that fall breeze, the way it's calling me. For like the first time ever, I'm completely free." She sung spinning around "I could go running and racing and dancing and chasing and leaping and bounding, hair flying, heart pounding and splashing and reeling and finally feeling, that's when my life begins!" She sung running through the school grounds feeling Kirby pinch both her ear and the hem of her shirt/dress, she ran and ran until she slipped and fell into a puddle.


She laughed as her outfit and hair got wet, Kirby however hissed after going flying off of Y/ns shoulder and landing at the top of a remarkably tall tree.

"You alright Kirb?" Y/n asked looking up to where Kirby landed whilst getting herself up.

Kirby croaked in response with a facial expression that showed fear.

"I'm guessing, no? Uh, I have never climbed a tree before but I suppose I can try." Y/n called up placing a hand on a tree branch "Now what? I'm probably supposed to put my foot somewhere but where? There's nowhere to put my foot... gah! I wish this was easier!"

Like magic the tree branches started to move to create a ladder Y/n could climb up. As soon as Y/n got to the top the branches reverted back to their original positions.

"There we go Kirby; I've got you now." Y/n smiled picking Kirby up as she sat down on the branch "Now uh, how do we get down?"

Kirby gave her a look to say 'The same way you got up.'

"Well, I don't know how I got up Kirby I just did!" Y/n retorted.

Y/n looked down and gulped.

"Definitely not jumping down..." Y/n muttered looking at the drop "Can't climb either the branches have too much spaces between them."

Y/n examined the tree searching for a way to get down.

"I could try turn myself into a bird but A. I wouldn't be able to take you with me and B. I have never done it before." Y/n murmured to Kirby.

Y/n continued to examine the tree holding Kirby tighter to her chest, fearing that if she hadn't, Kirby would surely disappear. She took deep breaths closing her eyes to prevent a panic, of course she needn't worry, surely if she couldn't get down someone would go looking, right? As soon as the thought crossed her mind, she flung her eyes open before edging over to the tree trunk and clutching it tight with one hand, the other still clutching Kirby close to her chest. She continued with her breathing until she heard a twig snap.

"Uh, Hello? Is someone down there? I'm stuck!" She called out.

"Where?" A male voice called back.

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