A great honour

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AN: I've finally updated this one! Sorry if its short. I tried to sprinkle in some monster lingo from the og series so I hope you enjoy!

Y/n slowly made her way to the headmistress's office and knocked twice on the door.

"Come in." A voice called.

Y/n walked into the office and sat down in front of who she assumed to be headmistress Bloodgood.

"So, you are Y/n correct?" The headmistress seemed to of asked, although it didn't exactly sound like a question to Y/n.

"Uh- Yes I am Y/n." She smiled.

"I taught your mother and went to school with your grandmother true monster hearts both of them." The headmistress stated before the two sat in an uncomfortable silence.

"Uh- headmistress, is there a reason that I am here?"

"Yes, well due to respect for your grandmother, who is a very close friend of mine, I would like to bestow upon you and another student, a great honour. Founder's Day is in a few weeks, the day we celebrate the opening of the school when we liberated ourselves from the tyranny of human society. There is an annual dinner, very exclusive, for the school's most important and generous officers, I have selected you and another student, Clawdeen Wolf, to be the student ambassadors to it." The headmistress explained.

"Really, are you sure?" Y/n questioned.

"Yes, many of the guests knew your mother. You'll represent the student body, you and Clawdeen will say a few words about yourselves and your families, perhaps you could sing a song and show us your siren song." She continued.

"I would be honoured headmistress although, I am unsure if I will be able to use my siren song, it is very dangerous and even if it wasn't I am unable to use my siren song yet." Y/n explained.

"Well, that is a shame but I suppose you could just do the speech and perhaps if you gain your voice by the time of the event you could sing." The headmistress decided.

"Yes, uh of course headmistress. Is there anything else you wish to speak to me about?"

"Yes, you didn't mention anything about your father when you applied, I was curious as to if you had one." The headmistress stated.

"No. Well I do but I don't, I mean I have one but I've just never spoken to, or interacted with, or seen, or met him and I also don't have indefinite proof that he exists other than a conversation I overheard. Although I know he isn't a human because if he was then due to siren tradition, I would've been outcast from siren society and abandoned in the human world to die, or you know, eaten. Although I already don't really know many sirens... but if he were I probably would be dead and probably wouldn't have my siren crystal which I've hidden because I don't have all my powers yet and the ones I do have I have pretty good control of." Y/n babbled looking at the roof as Kirby pinched her to get her to stop talking.

"Uh-huh, well speaking of sirens, you are the first siren to attend this school since your mother so If there is anything we can do to help you adjust or make your time here any easier do just let me know." The headmistress smiled.

"Will do... wait... are you only asking me to be a student ambassador because I'm a siren and you wanna show off the fact you have a siren as a student?" Y/n interrogated.

"What? Of course not, now why don't you go and meet any students who might be here early or something." The headmistress denied waving her hand as if shooing the girl.

Y/n walked out of the office causing Kirby to pop out of her pocket.

"She seemed nice." Y/n smiled walking around the school.

Kirby squeaked annoyed as Y/n continued exploring the school.

"What do you mean she's only making me a student ambassador to show off the fact she has a siren at her school, she clearly said she wasn't Kirby! Honestly you should listen better." Y/n ignored.

Kirby squeaked again this time in shock.

"What do you mean I understood yo- I just understood your squeaking, holy cow, this is fintastic! Also, kind of die-sturbing though... I mean we've mostly communicated through guesses and facial expressions but now we might be able to communicate for real and properly, I mean I find you much easier to talk to than other monsters and now I can properly do that but I don't even know what caused this." Y/n rambled half-excited half-terrified.

Kirby squeak again 'that makes no sense'.

"Of course, it doesn't make sense Kirby, It's a very confusing Stitch-uation!" Y/n exclaimed biting the tip of her thumb nail.

Kirby rolled their eyes as Y/n continued to ramble.

"Is it all creatures or just you? Does it apply with all languages? Is it all the time or just sometimes?"

Kirby covered their ears with their claws, huffing annoyed.

"Will it affect my speaking of other languages? Can I speak to all animals or just hermit crabs? Did someone cast a- OW!" Y/n exclaimed after Kirby roughly pinched her ear.

Kirby smiled, proud of themselves.

Y/n flicked Kirby on their head before continuing to walk, making her way back up to her dorm, hoping her roommate leaves her alone.

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