Chapter two: Boolin

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A/n: So like this chapter is more a filler chapter because I wanted to brag that I know the smallest amount of German so like :) also because I wanna get a couple chapters in before I actually publish this book. (Thank you to @ashlynnaetherwife for correcting some of my German)

Y/n, Kirby and her grandmother swam through the ocean, bags in hand until they reached a sea portal.

"Okay, we're just going to go through this portal, just follow me and you'll go to the right spot." Y/ns Grandmother told Y/n swimming through the now sparkling portal.

Kirby swam atop Y/ns head and gripped her hair using their claw.

"Really?" Y/n asked looking up at Kirby before rolling her eyes and nervously swimming through the portal.

Her F/c tail turned to S/c legs as she landed on flat earth.

"Uh, grandmother? This doesn't look like Monster high." Y/n said looking around.

"I believe you are correct, by the looks of the landscape this is Boolin." Her grandmother responded also looking around.

"Boolin?! You mean we are in Germany?! That is nowhere near Monster High!" Y/n panicked.

"Yes, I believe it was a glitch in the portal." Her grandmother said calmly.

"A glitch?! Portals can't glitch!" Y/n exclaimed.

"Perhaps this one did, everything will be fine, just relax and let us find out if there is a portal to Monster High somewhere here." Her grandmother calmly stated.

"But we're in Germany, people speak German here." Y/n told her grandmother.

"Well, you do speak it don't you? I did get you a German book when you were eight." Y/ns grandmother pointed out.

"Uh, yeah but not much!" Y/n exclaimed.

"Well use the amount you know then." Y/ns grandmother stated.

Y/n looked in her grandmother in disbelief before petting Kirby (who was still on her head), taking a deep breath and walking towards a friendly looking skeleton.

"Uh, Hallo, ich bin Y/n, das ist meine Groβmutter." Y/n began pointing to her grandmother "Wo ist die Ungeheur Highschool Portal?"

(Hello, I am Y/n, this is my (fem) Grandmother) (Where is the (fem/plural) Monster High portal? (I am unsure of the accuracy of that last sentence as I am still learning German so if anybody is fluent and wishes to correct me feel free.))

The skeleton looked at her strangely, probably because she had a hermit crab on her head, or perhaps her German wasn't very good but they pointed towards a building.

"Da Drinne." The skeleton replied.

(In there. (Again, unsure of the accuracy so feel free to correct me))

"Danke!" Y/n exclaimed as she and her grandmother walked towards the building.

(Thank you/Thanks)

The two approached the portal and stopped in front of it.

"Are you ready?" Y/ns grandmother asked looking down at her kindly.

"Well, I am both nervous and excited so... sort of?" Y/n said unsure.

"Don't worry, you'll be fine, besides we're a week early so you'll have plenty of time to get adjusted." Her grandmother smiled putting a hand-out.

Y/n gave a small smile before taking it, Kirby still clinging onto her head. The three walked through the portal until they reached the other side.


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