Chapter 14: 'I don't like him!.. or her.'

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Y/n and Eternity walked down the hallways, navigating past the sea of students. They did however eventually get separated by Mercy pulling Eternity aside.

Y/n wandered down the halls, Kirby clutched to her chest as she stepped into the dingy room she recognised as the science archives- she and Frankie had plans to meet up in there. She noticed the lights were flickering as she walked along the shelves when she heard Frankie's voice and then screams- something of which she knew was seldom a good thing.

"Frankie!" She called out rushing down to the source of the screams before she herself let out a squeal.

Frankie, Clawdeen, Y/n and Kirby (Of whom had suddenly found a new comfort in Frankie as they hissed frantically at Clawdeen) sat at a table, Frankie pouring a powder into a cup as Kirby rested on their shoulder.

"What is this?" Clawdeen asked shakily.

"Magnesium carbonate. It's very calming." Frankie assured as Clawdeen drank from the cup "Honestly, I don't see what the big deal is."

"Nor do I." Y/n agreed from her place next to Frankie.

"I am a real, live, living human... half of me is." Clawdeen stressed looking down.

"This is why you asked about monsters transforming?" Frankie asked although it came out as more of a statement.

"Yes," Clawdeen spoke "and you heard what Mr. Komos said. It didn't turn out so great for Hyde."

"Wow, this is a pickle." Frankie mused "How can we help?"

"Okay. So, this Hyde guy, he might have a cure for humanness hidden in a secret lab somewhere if I can just find it. I hoped his old lab journals might have some clues, but there's just full of gobbledygook." Clawdeen explained, turning the journal for Y/n and Frankie to read.

"No idea what gobbledygook is, but it sounds delicious." Frankie spoke, opening the journal and flipping through it with Y/n reading over their shoulder "Oh, that's not handwriting. That's code."

"How did you-"

"Alan Turing's cortex. He cracked the German code in World War II and saved the world. He was awesome." Frankie explained.

"I just know a lot about codes... not much to do when you're raised on an island." Y/n shrugged.

"This is definitely Hyde's diary." Frankie murmured, pulling a journal and a pen out of their bag.

"I've never felt so happy. I feel like I finally belong." Frankie read, writing as they read.

"I can relate to that." Clawdeen said.

"I need to hide my work. It's too dangerous working in the school lab." Y/n read out as Frankie wrote.

"Where did he hide it?" Clawdeen asked.

"What's this?" Frankie pondered pointing at something in the journal "Delimited degrees, minutes, seconds. They're map coordinates."

Frankie got up, Y/n and Clawdeen quickly following as they pulled out scrolls from a bucket, handing the unwanted ones to Clawdeen. Eventually Frankie found the one they were looking for and unrolled it (with Clawdeen dropping the scrolls in her arms on the floor).

"Coordinates point here, the campus graveyard, but that's strictly off-limits." Frankie spoke pointing at a point on the map.

"True." Clawdeen spoke before gasping "So we sneak in under the cover of night, baby. High five!"

Clawdeen raised both her hands for the other two to high-five, Frankie ended up clapping while Y/n's hand stayed down as she tilted her head in confusion before slowly raising her hand to meet Clawdeen's.

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