Chapter 20: Kirby.

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A/n: You guys are gonna hate me for this one.

Btw if you have short hair, replace hair for neck in a specific part of this chapter (You'll know when)

The blade dug into her neck, blood slowly trickling out.

"Mr Komos." She murmured "Or would it be more accurate to say Mr Hyde?"

"So, you figured it out... all by yourself, well done... excellent work for someone so naïve." The voice of her teacher spoke, leaning down.

"Well- I didn't exactly do it without help." She breathed, tensing up.


"Your first lesson was rather informative." She said, clutching Kirby tighter to her chest.

"Hm." He hummed the blade being removed from her neck, instead pressing into her back.

"Well, I suppose since you know my little secret, then you can help me." He spoke, pressing the blade harder against her back.

"With what?" She asked; however, she already had an idea of what it was.

"C'mon! You're a smart girl. Figure it out!" He taunted, prodding her roughly with the blade, pushing her towards the door.

"You want me to tell you how to open the door." She answered.

"Eh! Close! I want you to open it for me."

'Eat him n/n! Eat him!'

"Well unfortunately for you, I don't know how." She lied, trying to disguise her fear by taking on a book characters personality.

"Oh, but I think..." He began, turning her around and pushing her on the ground harshly "You do, and you're going to show me."

"Even if I did... I can't." She spoke, discreetly dropping Kirby so they could run to get help.

"What do you mean?" He snapped.

"I dunno, what do I mean?" She asked.

"How about this, show me, or I'll tie you up and make you watch as I kill your little friends, starting with the Harpy." He threatened, waving the weapon, Y/n had now discovered was a bronze dagger, dangerously close to her face.

She took a deep breath.

"I don't know." She repeated slowly.

"Don't lie!" He yelled, Y/n took a deep breath, he couldn't do anything if Kirby just gets help, it would be over soon enough.

Unfortunately, Kirby was always a violent and overprotective being and instead of getting help, the crab scuttled towards the teacher's shoes.

Y/n, noticing this, subtly shook her head.

"No Kirb, don't." She whispered.

Unfortunately, Kirby had already been caught, Mr Komos had raised his foot, hovering it over Kirby.

"No!" Y/n exclaimed... but it was too late, he'd brought his foot down with a loud 'Crunch!'

Y/n felt her heart breaking, watching as Mr Komos kicked the crab's body to the side.

"Kirby!" She cried, rushing over to the body, and cradling it in her arms.

She slowly stroked the body that was still weakly moving, before seeing something glinting on the ground, something Mr Komos hadn't noticed yet. However, she was too tearful to grab the object, still clutching the body to her chest.

"Now, open the door for me or that little lobster of yours won't be the last of your friends to suffer the same fate."

"They, are a hermit crab, and even if I wanted to open it, I can't." Y/n hissed.

"And why not?"

"Simply to put it, the door won't unlock for me." She stated.

"And why not? Answer me! Tell me how to open the door!" He demanded.

She remained quiet... until his dagger was thrown at her, narrowly missing her head.

Her eyes widened, releasing a gasp as the teacher slowly inched towards her, cornering her against the wall.

"You- you need a human hand." She breathed.

"Well then, I suppose Miss Wolf will be of some use, won't she?"

"You knew." Y/n murmured her false demeanour dropping.

"Of course, I knew." He stated, grabbing his dagger from the ground.

"Why- Why didn't you say anything?" She asked tentatively, feeling the blade dragging down her cheek.

"Well, how would that help me?" He mused, cutting the blade into her skin.

She remained silent, feeling the sting of the blade just under her eye, her breathing hitching as the blood trickled down her cheek.

"I've told you how to open the door so- so let me go." She begged, warm tears developing in her eyes as the blade cut deeper.

"Now why should I do that? You know too much; how do I know... you won't run off and tell Headmistress Bloodgood everything?"

Her vision blurred in her right eye.

"I- I won't I swear!" She exclaimed; the blade being removed from her cheek.

"But how can I trust your word?" He asked, placing the dagger back against her throat "Don't worry, you'll go down as a legend, a mystery for the ages, a young siren, who runs away from home to attend school, only to be murdered in the school's cemetery by those she thought were her friends, you'd become a warning for young children about naivety."

She gasped, her already prominent fear welling up higher, reaching heights it had never been until...

It was as if she'd been a video game character, being played on a cheap console- as if she'd been glitching this whole time as she disappeared in a flash of green smoke, leaving a small flower behind, reappearing a few feet away.

Mr Komos's eyes widened as he looked around, as much as the siren wanted to pause, learn what had happened- how it had happened, now wasn't the time, she scrambled to her feet, taking off running through the cemetery. She ran as fast as her legs would take her, a mixture of tears and blood rolling down her face, she dared not to look back, clutching the meek body of her oldest friend in her hands.

"I'm so- so sorry Kirby, I should've listened, should've gotten rid of him when we had the chance, none of this would've happened if I had." She sobbed.

She continued running, almost making it to the gate when she tripped.

"Caught you." Her teacher hissed, pulling her hair roughly, pulling her head up "We'll have no more of that."

She felt a coldness spread through her body, suddenly feeling remarkably weak, struggling to stay awake.

"Interesting." He mused, releasing her hair "I think I've finally found a use for you."

Then everything went black.


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