Chapter 11: Perfectly normal...right?

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AN: Sorry this chapter took so long... and is so short.  (Also hope you like one of the new characters I introduced, ik im adding a lot of OCs but shush... the movie got rid of a lot of  canon characters and I'm just worried I'll fail in introducing them properly and getting personalities right so instead I'm adding OCs and adding them to Y/ns story line.)

Y/n shook off the memories, affectionally scratching underneath Kirby's chin and finishing her food.

"So Kirb, shall we go and talk to Frankie and Clawdeen?" Y/n suggested.

'Not particularly but I don't really have a choice do I?' Kirby squeaked as Y/n lifted them onto her shoulder.

"That would be correct." Y/n grinned moving to Frankie and Clawdeen's dorm.

'Well in that case you should know it's only 6:45 and if they're normal they'd be asleep.' Kirby squeaked.

"But no one is normal because normal does not exist." Y/n smiled.

'Don't you quote your grandmother on me.' Kirby groaned as Y/n knocked on Frankie and Clawdeen's door.

Y/n waited patiently whilst Kirby squeaked complaints and protests ('But Y/n they could kill us both!'). Y/n pet Kirby's shell to calm them down, when that didn't work, she merely flicked them off her shoulder and knocked on the door again ignoring Kirby (Who was hanging onto her sleeve.) and watching as the door opened to reveal a very tired looking Clawdeen.

"Y/n? Did you... need something?" Clawdeen asked her eyes drooping.

"Nope! I just wanted to hang out! Is Frankie up?" Y/n asked moving past Clawdeen. (Which caused Kirby to squeak again as they tried climbing up Y/ns sleeve.)

"Y/n!" The already dressed Frankie exclaimed rushing over to the siren.

"Frankie!" The siren grinned "The schools serving breakfast if you wanted some, we can all walk down together and share fun facts, we can even use a secret passageway to get there quicker, I've already had breakfast but-" The sirens rambling was interrupted by her hermit crab (as they always do) pinching her shoulder to make her shut up.

"Sure! We can just wait for Clawdeen to get dressed and then go down!" Frankie grinned as the two stepped out of the dorm to allow the wolf to change.

"You know Kirby, someday I'm going to build up a resistance to your pinches and they won't work on me anymore." The siren hissed to Kirby who merely clicked their claws threateningly.

"Oh! Did you know breakfast became common in Europe in the 1600s and the name literally just means 'break the nights fast'?" Frankie stated.

"How very interesting." Y/n smiled glancing at the franken beast.

The two grinned at each other as Clawdeen waked out of the dorm ready to go.

The three made their way down to the Creepateria, happily chatting with Y/n showing them all the best secret passageways, then separating from them so she could save them a table. She sat down at a table, sitting down then grabbing Kirby to place them in front of her. She moved her head around to check if her friends were coming over, when she saw nothing she looked back down at the table, she suddenly felt the same itching feeling she felt before, this time worse and in her shoulder as well as her hand. She slowly scratched her shoulder, moving her hand away to find a singular, silver scale lying on her palm, her eyes widened as she moved her hand along her back, trying to see what had happened and if there was any blood.

"Hey, are you alright?" A girl with Pale skin, black hair with blonde streaks and beautiful light blue eyes asked with a voice that made Y/n think of what honey would sound like had it been a form of music.

Y/n noticed that she had feathered green and black wings of which matched her black and green outfit.

"I am alright, thank-you." Y/n responded grinning.

"Okay, good. My names Eternity and I'm a... Harpy." Eternity introduced holding her hand out and sitting down next to Y/n.

"Y/n. I'm a siren." Y/n spoke taking the Harpies hand.

"Well, that explains how someone can look so... alluring," Eternity remarked placing her hand upon Y/ns arm.

"Oh... well thank-you, you are also very pretty." Y/n smiled, a light blush tinting at her cheeks.

"So, here's something I've always wondered about sirens, how do they do like... romance and stuff?" Eternity asked.

"Oh, well, as far as I can tell we only really have 'romance' for survival, of course you'll get the odd same sex relationships but on the most part we're more like the Mantodea and Latrodectus mactans spider." Y/n explained a wide smile on her face.

Eternity's kind face contorted to a confused one as she tilted her head.

"For the most part the females eat or poison the males after... uh, mating, even if their fellow sirens and leave only an eyeball behind. Which of course means most siren children, provided their not half-human are only raised with their mothers." Y/n continued her smile only growing.

"You are a very concerning monster." Eternity laughed standing up "So my best friend forever after Mercy and her boyfriend are sitting over there if you wanted to join us, you know, rather than sitting alone."

Eternity gestured over to where a girl with pink skin and ginger hair sat with her head leaning on her very stiff boyfriend's shoulder.

"Well, as much as I appreciate your offer, I'm actually waiting for people, maybe another time though!" Y/n refused as Eternity's grin dropped before immediately returning.

"Right, maybe another time... see you Y/n!" Eternity said before walking off.

Y/n looked back at the now dull silver scale, watching it slowly turn white. She quickly shoved it into her pocket, hoping nobody had seen it. Y/n took a deep breath, whatever this is... it was perfectly normal.... Right?

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