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AN: Credits to Disney for the song. Yes Kirby IS in my Titans book but not as a Hermit Crab so shush. Please do not get mad at me for making Kirby a Hermit crab, I did ask but I didn't get a response in time so I chose the most fitting creature.

Y/n L/n was a perfectly ordinary siren, she lived with her mother and grandmother on a secluded island half surrounded by rocks. The only thing that separates her is the fact, she hasn't really left the island since she was 4. Additionally, she isn't 100% sure she is a full siren. She does not look like other sirens she knows given the fact she has h/c hair, s/c skin even in water and pointed ears (of course when shapeshifting that can change), and despite being 15, she is still yet to gain her siren song.

Y/n gently brushed her hand against the water sitting at the edge of a rock before looking up at the sky. The sky showed shades of pink and orange, no blue yet referencing it is still rather early, likely around 6-6:30. She smiled up at the sky, when you live on an island in the middle of nowhere it is often difficult to find entertainment unless somebody provides it for you but with Y/ns mother and grandmother always going out and hunting normies and other non-monster creatures that enter the ocean, there's rarely anybody to provide that entertainment (Bar her pet Hermit crab, although they don't provide all that much entertainment anyway). For that reason, Y/n had to try teach herself to find entertainment in other things, like watching the sunsets or reading books that her grandmother or mother (but mostly grandmother) would collect for her or even painting using paints made from any of the plants, shells or rocks that she finds on the small island.

Y/n slowly got up looking to the far side of the island where her small hermit crab, Kirby was sleeping. Kirby had a gold shell which she adored. Y/n walked towards Kirby gently waking them up.

"Hello Kirby." She whispered lifting the small hermit crab onto her left shoulder and walking into the house.

Kirby pinched her ear in annoyance making Y/n flinch and gently flick their claw.

"Ow! I apologise Kirby but I don't wish to be left alone for too long." Y/n apologised as Kirby gave her a look as if to say 'now you're speaking like your mother'.

"Yes, I am aware I'm talking like my mother, just allow me to wake up a bit and I'll stop." Y/n replied rolling her eyes at the crab.

Kirby roughly pinched her ear, causing Y/n to jump and Kirby to fall off her shoulder now just hanging on Y/ns ear.

"OW! Okay, Okay I'll stop! I think you might scar my ear one of these days Kirby." Y/n joked grabbing Kirby's body and tickling their claw to get them to release her ear.

"So, what time do you think it is?" Y/n asked Kirby placing them back on her shoulder and walking up to her bedroom.

Kirby gave her a look as if to say 'How should I know?'

"I know, I know, if I don't know you won't either." Y/n murmured placing Kirby on the windowsill and poking her head out to check where the sun was.

"Hmm what do you reckon Kirby? About 6:50-6:55?" Y/n questioned Kirby who chirped in response.

"I'm going to assume you agree. That would mean I have about 5 minutes until I have to actual do stuff. I could either nap or read..."

Kirby put their hands next to their head to symbol sleep.

"I agree Kirby! Wake me up in 5 minutes." Y/n stated lying in her bed.

Five minutes later Y/n awoke to a light pinch on her finger. She smiled gently removing the claw from her finger and getting out of bed.

7 AM, the usual morning line-up,

start on the chores and

sweep 'til the floor's all clean.

Polish and wax, do laundry and mop and shine up.

Sweep again and by then it's like 7:15.

And so, I'll read a book, or maybe two or three,

I'll add a few new paintings to my gallery.

I'll play guitar and knit and cook and basically

Just wonder, when will my life begin?

Then after lunch, it's puzzles and darts and baking.

Papier-mâché, hang out with Kirby and chess

Pottery and ventriloquy, candle making

Then I'll stretch, maybe sketch

Take a climb, sew an outfit

And I'll reread the books if I have time to spare,

I'll paint the walls some more,

I'm sure there's room somewhere

And then I'll brush and brush and brush and brush my hair

Stuck in the same place I've always been

And I'll keep wonderin' and wonderin'

And wonderin' and wonderin'

When will my life begin?

Then one night, my acceptance letter will arrive

Just like it does for all the monsters each year

What is it like out there where they grow?

Now that I'm older,

Mother might just let me go.

Y/n sighed lying her back against the wall. She looks over to Kirby who is sitting on a bookshelf. Y/n desperately wanted to go to Monster high, even more than she wanted to know about her father, although she knew her mother would never let her. A small tear slipped from her eye knowing that dream was just that, a dream.

She wiped the tear and lifted Kirby off the bookshelf smiling.

"Even if I can't go to school, I'm glad I have you Kirb." Y/n smiled pulling Kirby to her chest.

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