Chapter 21: Siren

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The next morning, Frankie and Draculaura were frantically searching the school.

"Y/n? Clawdeen?" They exclaimed, checking every corner until they finally bumped into the siren.

"Oh, Y/n! There you are! You didn't come back last night." Draculaura exclaimed as she and Frankie pulled her into a hug, one she didn't return.

"Have you seen Clawdeen?" Frankie asked, pulling away from the hug, as Draculaura noticed something strange about the siren's eyes.

They were glazed over, they looked as though the life had been drained out of them.

Frankie seemed to have also noticed.

"Y/n, are you alright? Your eyes look... dull." The Frankenbeast pointed out.

"Why do you care?" The siren hissed.

Frankie's eyes widened at her aggression, looking down.

"Because... I thought we were-"

"What friends? As if I'd be friends with a walking lab experiment." The siren scoffed.

"Y/n!" Draculaura gasped, slowly wrapping an arm around Frankie.

"Awe, look at the wittle vampire trying to pwotect her fwend." The siren mocked.

"Y/n, where's Kirby?" Draculaura asked sternly, a thought popping into her brain.

"Pfft, why would I-" She hesitated, a flash of colour returning to her eyes before returning to the dulled colour "Why would I care where that lobster is?"

Frankie and Draculaura's eyes widened, looking at each other.

"Uh- huh... well you're clearly in a bad mood so we'll leave you be," Draculaura said, quickly ushering Frankie away.

The siren rolled her eyes walking forward.

"What was that?" Draculaura whispered to the Frankenbeast.

The siren continued walking until she bumped into Deuce.

Just as she was about to yell at him, he turned around smiling.

"Y/n! Hey!" He grinned.

"Hello." She said bluntly.

"Are you ready for tonight?" He asked.


"The Founders Day? Remember? You were doing a speech." Deuce reminded.

"Oh, that. Yes, I'll be perfectly fine." She spoke rather harshly.

"Are you alright? You're not mad at me for yesterday, are you?" He asked concerned.

"Yesterday?" She questioned.

"You know, because I... kissed you?"

"Oh- right, that."

"So... you're not mad? Because uh..." He gently took her hand, her eyes flashing with colour again before returning to their dull state "I'd... love to uh- maybe do something like that again... not just the kiss part! But I mean that too... but like the hanging out... maybe not just as friends? Because I know this is fast but I really like you and-"

She cut him off.

"Why would I want to do anything like that with a Gorgon?" She hissed "Why would anyone?"

"What- but you-"

"Were doing that yesterday? Of course, I was... I needed your venom." She cackled.

Deuce was taken aback, his grip on her hand loosening.

"So- you- you were using me?" He asked, feeling his heart shatter.

"Of course, I was! Why else would I follow you out to the middle of the forest, listen to all your little problems? Don't get me wrong though, it was cute. How you trusted me."

"I- I really thought you-"

"Liked you? Puh-lease! Don't make me laugh! Why would anyone like a gorgon?" She laughed cruelly.

"I don't know." He said, dropping her hand "I suppose I was just hoping."

"Aw, don't beat yourself up about it. I'm a siren, it's in our nature." She smirked, walking away as Deuce's head lowered before his eyes widened.

"Someone's done something to her." He murmured.

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