Chapter 24: Potion

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A/n: hehe enjoy this chapter 'tis a bit short but oh well.

Frankie and Draculaura rejoined just outside the school building.

"So? Did you learn anything?" Frankie asked the vampire.

"Well, Eternity is right, something's definitely happened to Y/n," Draculaura stated as the two made their way down the school's front steps.

"So?" Frankie asked.

"So what?" Draculaura questioned.

"What are we going to do to help her?" Frankie asked, stopping.

"Nothing." Draculaura answered moving past the Franken beast.

"What? But- Draculaura Y/n is our friend... why wouldn't we help her?" Frankie asked chasing after the witch.

"We will. But- we have to help Clawdeen first, we help Clawdeen and as a group, we can find a fix for Y/n. We'll be of no use to her with just the two of us, given the nature of what would've happened to her..." Draculaura spoke, she took a careful breath, deciding against telling Frankie the exact predicament Y/n was in, the Franken beast would likely figure it out on their own anyway.

"Wouldn't leaving it for longer make it harder to fix?" Frankie asked.

Draculaura paused, she hadn't thought of that.

"We'll find a way to fix it... even if it becomes near impossible." Draculaura said.

"Are we going to tell Clawdeen... about Y/n?" Frankie asked.

Draculaura hesitated once again.

"No." She said firmly "We don't need to give Clawdeen any guilt or distractions... we'll tell her after we convince her to come back."

The Franken beast nodded, walking alongside the vampire as they felt an unfamiliar feeling develop in the pit of their stomach.

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The now group of three monsters quickly sneaked through the school's cemetery under the cover of night, unaware of the figure watching them from the shadows.

As Clawdeen finally opened the stone building, the group stepped inside, the figure stood beside the door of the building, hiding themself. A few minutes later, a second shadowed figure stepped through the door, closely followed by the first figure, the door closing behind them.

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Deuce scanned the room of the Founders Day dinner, realising that three people were missing, Clawdeen, Y/n and Mr Komos. He discreetly moved over to Eternity and nudged her.

"Have you noticed-"

"Y/n and Mr Komos are missing? Yeah." Eternity finished.

"Do you think it could mean anything?"

"Hard to tell. It could be nothing but-"

"It could also be an important clue." Deuce finished.


"So how do we-"

"Figure out which it is? I don't know." Eternity spoke, "For now, Mr Komos is top of my suspects' list but I mean- he always was... didn't exactly like him much."


"Dunno, he was just... odd, besides I have distrust for overly friendly teachers." Eternity shrugged "With exceptions."

"Well, do we know anything?"

"Yes. Uh- Draculaura did some investigating and uh discovered this." Eternity whispered, pulling out the piece of paper Draculaura had found "Well less discovered and more recovered."

Deuce read over it carefully.

"So, a siren did this?"

Eternity nodded.

"Yes, except... Y/n's the only siren at Monster high..."


"So, it would have to have been someone with Siren-like abilities or-"

"Someone who can take powers." Deuce finished "Which would explain why she managed to be controlled considering Sirens are supposed to be immune to that stuff."

"Exactly! The only issue is, that the actual how to reverse it part, was shredded, how Y/n managed to do it with Draculaura watching is beyond me." Eternity whispered.

"So how do we fix this?" Deuce asked.

"I don't-" Eternity paused "Do you know much about sirens?"

"How to unspell someone? No. But like- general information? Yeah." Deuce said.

"How fast can you run?"

"I'm on the Casketball team so pretty fast I suppose... why?" Deuce whispered.

"Run as fast as you can to Y/ns dorm, the door should be unlocked since Barker would be in there. She has a book somewhere in her dorm on Mythology and stuff, I saw it last time I went in there, find that and then find the page on sirens." Eternity instructed "I'll cover for you."

Deuce nodded, quickly sneaking out of the room and running to Y/n's dorm room.

He quickly opened the door (much to Barker's dismay) and after saying a quick apology to Barker, he quickly searched the dorm for the book Eternity mentioned, finding nothing, he went through the bookshelf, pulling the books down halfway to read the title before pushing it back in, using this process for every book, he came upon one that had no title, when he pulled it out, a doorway opened up revealing what appeared to be a small library, he quickly went inside (After checking to see if Barker had seen) and looked around, there laying on a small table was a book with a faded cover, left open to a page on Nymphs. He realised that this book must have been the one Eternity had mentioned.

He quickly flicked to the chapter on sirens, skimming over the pages.

When he'd finished, he grabbed the book and quickly ran back to Eternity.

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"-If I drink this... it's like I'm erasing him." Clawdeen spoke, looking at the bottle in her hand.

"Erasing who?" Frankie asked.

"My dad..." Clawdeen responded, a sad smile on her face "My secret half is him. Do I really wanna just give up who I am?"

"No. You don't." Mr Komos spoke, stepping towards them, resulting in the group gasping.

"Mr. Komos, we can explain." Frankie stammered.

"There's no need to explain, Frankie." Mr Komos reassured "I was worried this was your plan. Clawdeen, do not take that potion. Trust me. I know what it's like to feel like an outsider, to have to keep secrets."

The teacher took a deep breath before continuing.

"I'm part human, too."

"What?" Draculaura breathed.

"Really?" Clawdeen asked.

"Yes, and giving up who you are, this isn't the answer." Mr Komos said, holding his hand out "I know a better way."

Clawdeen hesitated, contemplated the decision before slowly handing the potion to the teacher.

"Thank you." The teacher whispered before quickly opening the cap and downing the potion.

"No!" The group exclaimed.

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