Chapter 22: Gorgon.

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Y'all get this one early bc it's my birthday and I'm feeling generous... GIMME HAPPY BIRTHDAY WISHES >:(, I am now officially the same age as a char in ONE of my books (Very easy guess)

Deuce stormed into a dormitory, one with an orange bat, talons and a very strange cartoon ghost etched onto the door.

"What did you two do to her?" He hissed.

A girl with black hair and blonde streaks head shot up, scoffing.

"Woah, knock much? We could've been changing!" She exclaimed.

"Eternity, it's almost lunchtime," Deuce stated crossing his arms.

"Yeah, on Founders Day, we don't have classes today." She said, jumping down from her platformed bed and moving to the side of the room.

"Eternity, while you're right, you're helping prepare for the event, as is Mercy, you both should be dressed already." A female ghost spoke, phasing through a wall.

"We've already helped decorate Mallory; all we have to do is help prepare food... which we don't have to do until five." Eternity said.

"Okay, that's not the point, just tell me what you did," Deuce demanded.

"What do you mean?" Eternity asked, turning to look at something in what appeared to be a water-filled drawer.

"To Y/n. I know you two did something to her... messed with her mind or something." Deuce hissed.

"Woah, woah, what? We haven't done anything of the sort." Eternity stated, turning back around.

"Yeah, we haven't done anything," Mercy added, crossing her arms as she stepped out of her coffin, seemingly pushing something back in as she quickly shut the door.

"Well, clearly you did because she suddenly hates me and is acting way less like herself and I know for a fact you have that weird, love spell thing," Deuce said pointing at Mercy.

"Yeah, love spell Deuce, she can't just make someone hate someone else overnight... besides she hasn't used that in ages, or she shouldn't have given what we've spoken about." Eternity defended, giving a look towards Mercy.

"Yeah, yeah I know, I know, using my abilities to make people fall in love with me is morally wrong and I should just let people fall for me of their own accord." Mercy said rolling her eyes.

"Right because they will." Eternity said giving Mercy a soft smile before turning back to Deuce "Besides, even if we wanted to, we haven't seen Y/n all day."

"She's right, they haven't although I can't vouch for where they were last night, they snuck out around eleven claiming to have heard screams coming from the cemetery," Mallory said.

"So, you could've done something last night." Deuce hissed.

"Have you ever considered the fact that maybe she just... doesn't like you?" Mercy asked, "She is a siren; they do have a tendency for using creatures who aren't fellow sirens."

"Mercy!" Eternity scolded.

"She's right. Sirens aren't exactly the best of friends, ruthless that lot are. You don't befriend one without having caution." Mallory cut in.

"Mallory!" Eternity hissed "Why are you even partaking in this conversation? You're not even friends with Y/n."

"No, but I know what happened to her." The ghost shrugged.

"You do? What happened? Was it them?" Deuce asked.

"Can't say." She stated "See, I prefer to remain in the background. I don't get involved, telling you would be getting involved. Besides, there's no reason for me to be involved, I have faith all will remedy itself."

Eternity rolled her eyes before giving Deuce a sympathetic smile "Look, we didn't do anything to her and I know it could be difficult to believe since you obviously care for her but the only reason we left last night was to investigate, that's all. Good thing we did too, we found this."

Eternity gently pulled something out of her drawer revealing a sleeping crab with what appeared to be a purple plastic box on their back and a too-long necklace around their neck.

"Is that..."

"Kirby, yes. Maybe that's why she's so upset though, I mean Kirby was very injured when we found them, she was probably just worried, especially since we haven't returned them yet." Eternity said.

"Why not?" Deuce asked.

"Kirby's shell was uh... shattered, they were obviously very shaken up, we didn't really want to return them to Y/n in that state, particularly since they tend to be overly uh- protective of her." Eternity explained, gently placing the crab back in the drawer but removing something from their neck.

"Do you think Y/n could've been attacked?" Deuce asked suddenly.

"How do you mean?" Eternity asked, glancing down at an object in her hands.

"There were cuts on her throat and cheek." He stated, "And Kirby's injured, what if someone's attacked Y/n?"

"I suppose it's a likely possibility... considering we also found this." Eternity pondered, raising a necklace with a cracked crystal dangling from it.

"What is that?" Deuce asked.

"I believe it to be her... I don't actually know the term, crystal thing. All sirens have them, helps them with their powers, Y/n doesn't have her powers yet so she wouldn't have been wearing it, it would've been kept somewhere 'safe'." Eternity explained.

"Like Kirby's shell."

"Exactly- the issue is..." Eternity slowly (and seemingly begrudgingly) handed him the necklace "It's cracked. Siren crystals don't do that."

"So that means- what?"

"Siren crystals don't crack unless the siren has been harmed beyond measure." Eternity explained.

"In case you don't understand, she means death," Mallory said bluntly.

Deuce's eyes widened, his heart dropping.

"Yes, thank you, Mallory." Eternity sighed, rolling her eyes "Although that's not necessarily true, since they also lose colour when the siren dies, the colour isn't exactly gone, is it? It can mean severely injured or traumatised."

"But more often death," Mallory stated.

"Merce." Eternity said bluntly, shooting Mallory a glare.

"Mallory shut up and go away." Mercy hissed.

"No thank you," Mallory responded.

Eternity took a deep breath.

"If I'm right-" Eternity began.

"You're not." Mallory interrupted.

"Mercy." Eternity hissed.

"Mallory for the love of ghoul! Shut up!" Mercy yelled.

"If I'm right-" Eternity began again.

"You're still not." Mallory stated.

"Mallory I will get the vacuum cleaner!" Mercy threatened.

"IF I'm right!" Eternity began again through gritted teeth, pausing to give a glance over to Mallory "Whatever it is should be fixable."

"It won't be!" Mallory exclaimed.

"Mallory, I swear-"

"It will be." Eternity said firmly, reassuring both herself and the Gorgon in front of her "We just have to find a fix."

Deuce nodded, giving a wary glance over to the vampire and the ghost who were now glaring at eachother.

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