Chapter 30: Life and Death

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A/N: MWAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA I LIED TO YOU! (Definitely not because I was too lazy to just write directly from the canon and had to put my own creativity to use... definitely not, I would never do that! *cough cough* The last few chapters *cough cough*)

Anyways so the god in this chapter is inspired by their EPIC the musical and Fenyx rising counterparts because fun times! Enjoy besties! (It's a super easy guess)

Anyways Buckle up guys this is a long one, hope you enjoy!

Y/ns eyes shot open, finding herself laying on a cold stone floor. She slowly sat up, she was drenched in water, still wearing the pristine white dress she had been wearing in the void.

She placed her hand on the stone wall beside her and helped herself rise to her feet, what had happened? Where was she?

Her head was aching, feeling as though someone had tried to split her head in half, she couldn't walk properly either, as she'd discovered when she tried to take an unassisted step forward and almost fell on her face. There was a bronze dagger on the floor beside her, she furrowed her brows, carefully bending down and picking it up.

The dagger held dry blood; Y/n tilted her head as she examined it. She slowly turned around, leaning against the stone table, turning the dagger over in her hands... it seemed oddly familiar. A vision came into her mind, one of the events that had happened the night before. She gasped accidentally nudging something on the table causing a leg to fall to the floor.

The girl let out a scream, stumbling backwards as her back hit the wall. Using the wall as a crutch she quickly limped out, stumbling against the door.

She saw a man who looked like an eviller, stronger version of Mr Komos/Hyde. She glanced around all her classmates were out there, her friends, Clawdeen stood against Mr Komos, Deuce behind her, Frankie knelt to the side holding Draculaura in their arms.

Cleo stood close behind Clawdeen holding her phone out, the rest of her classmates behind her doing the same.

Eternity and Mercy stood with them, Eternity however wasn't holding her phone and instead was holding a small, familiar creature in her hands.

Y/n couldn't quite understand what was going on, she strained to hear what was being said but couldn't, the splitting ache in her head disturbing her senses.

She could watch however, watched as Mr Komos stuck his hand out and Deuce ran in front of Clawdeen, removing his glasses.

However, the girl stepped further into the doorway to get a better look at what was going on, doing so caught Deuces attention, distracting him for a moment as he saw her leaning weakly against the archway.

That mere moment of distraction was all their teacher needed, utilising it to steal the Gorgons powers and when the gorgon looked back, he was caught by his own powers, sent flying back into a tree.

"Deuce!" Y/n gasped rushing over to him and kneeling beside him.

Grey stone formed at the boy's feet, progressing rapidly over his legs.

"Deuce, no, no, no... You'll be okay Deuce I can- I can-" She looked at the dagger in her hand, moving it to slash her hand as she formulated an idea in her mind but Deuce gently grabbed her hand before she could.

"At least I finally got to stare into your eyes." He breathed as the stone reached his shoulders "They're beautiful by the way."

"No." Y/n gasped as the stone overcame him.

Her heart pounded in her ears, the splitting headache worsening as her breathing thickened, she felt feelings unfamiliar to her, dark feelings... evil feelings. She turned her head slowly, her grip tightening on the blade. It was as if the entire world had turned crimson. She rose to her feet head tilted as she slowly stepped towards the teacher, her hand clutched tightly on the blade.

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