Chapter 15: Witchcraft

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The three students tiptoed through the school grounds in the dead of night, stopping in front of the Graveyard gates.

"Y'know, why does this school even have a graveyard, are they expecting students to die on school grounds? Because Barker is a zombie and she's my roommate so- obviously the zombies have dorms..." Y/n pondered aloud as Clawdeen rattled the gates.

Clawdeen then jumped over the gates as Y/n walked off, running her hand along the fence.

"Y/n, where are you going?" Clawdeen called.

"Looking for a hole in the fence!" Y/n yelled back

"What there's no hole in the-" Clawdeen began before being cut off by Y/n grabbing the bars and pulling them off.

"Now there is, and look, it's Y/n shaped!" Y/n smiled walking through, holding the broken off bits of fence up as Frankie stepped through before carefully placing it back.

"How did you-"

"The fence was rusted." Y/n shrugged.

The three wandered through the graveyard.

"Wow, werewolf powers are cool. What else can you do?" Frankie asked Clawdeen.

"Well, there's super-hearing, super-night vision, super-smell, though that's not always so great." Clawdeen listed.

"Oh, hey, it's my uncle Phil's grave. He died sad and alone. I have his thigh. I wonder if I have his social skills, too." Frankie informed stopping in front of a grave "Can I tell you guys something personal?"

"Frankie, you literally know my deepest, darkest secret." Clawdeen pointed out.

"And you can tell me anything." Y/n spoke, smiling warmly.

"My parents designed me to be brilliant at everything, and I am, except this whole making friends thing. My brain has all these parts. I know it works differently from everyone else's, but I feel like there's a rule book for all this that I never got to read. All of my social media apps, I've literally made one friend beside you both, and it's Cleo, and that's only to make fun of me." Frankie vented.

"Frankie, I've been alone my whole life, so has Y/n, so we don't know anything about that rule book either. All I know is we're your friends, and we like you, and your brain, and all your parts." Clawdeen comforted.

"Thanks, I think all my parts needed to hear that." Frankie smiled.

Just then a zombie awoke from the ground near by with a loud yawn.

"Will you get off my bed? I'm trying to sleep." The zombie snapped.

"Sorry, Ghoulia." Clawdeen apologised hastily as the three quickly ran off.

"Okay, the coordinates point right inside this very secure-looking stone structure." Frankie spoke.

The three walk up to the structure to begin examining it.

"There's no knob or handle." Clawdeen examined.

"Or even a keyhole." Frankie analysed.

"Well, there's also no hinges so... maybe there's just no door?" Y/n pointed out.

Suddenly Clawdeen's head whirled around.

"Wait." Clawdeen ordered.

"What is it?" Frankie asked as Clawdeen smelled the air before leading the three behind a tombstone where they found Draculaura... doing witchcraft.

"Power potion, bring me motion." Draculaura spoke waving her hand over the cauldron, making sparks fly out of the cauldron with a puff of smoke as the liquid in the cauldron turned purple.

"Unexpected." Clawdeen commented as Draculaura took a vial of the potion and sniffed it, causing her to levitate a few inches off the ground... before wincing and coming back down.

"Holy mother of Minotaur!" Clawdeen exclaimed coming out from behind the tombstone, Frankie and Y/n following.

"What are you doing here?" Draculaura exclaimed taking a step back.

"What are you doing here?" Clawdeen interrogated "Is that witchcraft?"

"What? No, definitely not." Draculaura said hastily.

"It is, isn't it?" Frankie exclaimed.

"Sure, looks like it." Y/n agreed in awe.

"Wait, you made that pimple appear on Cleo's face." Frankie added.

"No-yes, yes." Draculaura admitted "Just please don't tell my dad. Vampires have been at war with witches for centuries. He'd kill me if I wasn't undead."

"Our lips are sealed." Clawdeen promised.

"You can actually stitch mine shut if you'd like." Frankie said.

"Really?" Draculaura asked shyly

"Yep!" Y/n confirmed.

"How did you learn how to do this?" Clawdeen asked excitedly walking up to the Cauldron.

"Well, it's not easy. You've got to practice... a lot." Draculaura informed.

"And smelling it makes you float?" Frankie asked curiously peering into the cauldron.

"Yeah, it's called a power potion. It's supposed to lift you way off the ground. Though, right now it's more of a pathetic potion. It's missing something. I just don't know what. I'm not very good yet." Draculaura explained.

"You seem pretty good." Clawdeen reassured.

"I know everyone says witchcraft's a filthy human habit, but I love it." Draculaura said "Wait, what are you doing here?"


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