Chapter 13: True Monster Heart

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A/n: I'm baaaackkkkkkkkkkk, I had to really restrain myself from making a really bad pun in this chapter (guess where)

Frankie and Y/n didn't go all the way into the Headmistress's office, merely walking Clawdeen there before leaving.

Some time passed and Frankie and Y/n had split up (Probably because they were so focused on their phones) and Y/n had ended up walking down the hallways, awaiting the start of her next class. She glanced around, examining the halls when suddenly she felt herself colliding with someone.

"Oh- uh sorry Y/n! I wasn't looking where I was going!" The Angelic voice of Eternity sounded, placing a small mirror looking object with a bell on the back into her bag and then holding her hand out to help Y/n up.

Eternities hair was tied up in a ponytail, the blonde streaks being barely visible.

"Oh- Uh it's okay! I wasn't looking either." Y/n exclaimed smiling, taking Eternities soft hand and standing up.

"Hello, I don't believe we've met, I'm Mercy." The girl with pink skin, red hair and red eyes Y/n had seen earlier in the Creepateria spoke, stepping away from a boy she was standing with behind Eternity and holding her hand out but then quickly retracting it.

"Uh- I'm Y/n." Y/n smiled giving the girl a wave- figuring she merely didn't like physical contact.

"Lovely to meet you Y/n." Mercy smiles "Whilst I'd love to stay and uh chat, our class is on the other side of the school so uh, we'll leave you and Eternity alone."

Mercy walked off; the boy she was standing next to trailing behind her as if he was a lost puppy.

"So, Y/n, what class do you have now?" Eternity asked

"Uh- Monster Hisstory." Y/n responded, Kirby hissing at Eternity from the floor.

"Oh, perfect me too! I'll walk with you!" Eternity exclaimed, gently interlinking their arms as Kirby quickly climbed up Y/ns leg so they could hiss at Eternity at eye level.

The two made their way to their class, entering the room as Eternity pulled Y/n to sit down with her a few minutes later students piled in, Frankie and Clawdeen had sat down on the table to the right of them, causing Y/n to look over and smile at Frankie.

Y/n notices Kirby crawling up her torso, she gently grabbed them and placed them on the desk.

'Y/n- don't put me on the table- everyone will see me! What if one of them eats me!' Kirby squeaks.

"Kirby- where else am I supposed to put you? You'll be seen regardless." Y/n hissed quietly.

'But Y/n- if I'm on your shoulder- or in your pocket then no one can grab me or touch me!' Kirby squeaked scuttling closer to her.

"Kirby- no ones going to grab you- they all seem perfectly nice." Y/n whispered.

'You don't know that!' Kirby squealed.

"Kirby-" Y/n sighed before being cut off by Eternity quickly nudging her to get her to shut up as the teacher entered.

"Okay, I'm Mr. Komos, and I know what you're thinking." The teacher introduced as Deuce turned to look at Y/n giving her a small smile- of which she returned, causing Eternity to give him a death stare "History, supes boring, right? Wrong. Why don't we start with some fun local history, the history of Monster High itself?"

Mr Komos gave a fake evil laugh before continuing.

"Who can tell me when Monster High was built?" He asked causing Y/n, Frankie and Cleo's hands to shoot up "Yes, you." He said pointing to Frankie.

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