Chapter 10: Part of your world

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A/n: Yes i did use a tangled quote and a the little mermaid song, so sue me (but not actually please)

Y/n awoke early in the morning to an itching on the back of her hands and a slight pain in her ears. Deciding to ignore it she got up, quietly so as to not bother her roommate, she moved over to where Kirby was peacefully sleeping and, purely to be a bother, gently dropped a small rock in the water next to them in the hopes of splashing them with water and waking them, when that didn't work she simply flicked their shell and lifted them up, placing a single finger to her lips to signal them to be quiet. Kirby let out a quiet squeak in protest but listened none the less. Y/n gently placed them on a small stool then grabbing some clothing from her wardrobe.

"Which one Kirb?" She whispered holding up two outfits. Kirby pointed at the one she had been holding in her left hand.

'Wear that one, burn the other.' Kirby squeaked quietly.

"Okay rude but, I trust your judgement." Y/n whispered throwing the outfit in her right hand aside and entering the bathroom to get changed. After getting changed Y/n exited the bathroom.

"So, what time do you think it is?" Y/n asked Kirby moving towards one of the rooms windows.

'Use your phone.' Kirby squeaked lifting Y/ns phone up with their pincers.

"Oh, right." Y/n took the phone from Kirby and turned it on (with some difficulty) and read the time "5:36. I could have slept longer but I suppose I can do other stuff."

'Like what?' Kirby sounded.

"I don't know, read? Paint? Draw? Something." Y/n responded grabbing her paint brushes and walking into the hidden room.

'Please cover up before painting, your outfit actually looks good for once.' Kirby pleaded following her into the room.

"I will do not worry." Y/n smiled placing an art smock and gloves on sitting by the easel in the room and beginning her painting.

She had finished the first part of her painting fairly quickly, it only taking around 30 minutes, she placed her paint brush down and removed her smock and gloves to let the paint dry.

"See Kirby, not a drop of paint touched me." She grinned spinning around.

Kirby merely rolled their eyes ignoring the siren.

"Aw, lighten up Kirby, it's the first day of school!" Y/n exclaimed forgetting about her sleeping roommate.

'You're an idiot Y/n.' Kirby squeaked.

"Yet you love me." Y/n teased grabbing a book from her bookshelf.

'Debatable.' Kirby grumbled watching Y/n open a book and sit down on a couch in the room.

"Okay Kirby, if the Creepateria doesn't open until exactly 6:30 I can read for 25 minutes and then make my way down there." Y/n calculated.

'I better get some good food.' Kirby squeaked crossing their claws.

"Of course, you will Kirby." Y/n reassured before getting excited "Ooh! What do you think the classes will be like? I bet they'll be super fun! What about the food? Do you think they'll have Swellfish? Ooh or Crones? Maybe they'll serve human jerky! Ooh or-"

"Could you actually shut up? I'm trying to get my beauty sleep here and it's kinda hard when your yelling!" Barker yelled, interrupting Y/ns excitement.

Y/n closed her mouth and sunk into her seat.

"Someone's grumpy." Y/n whispered to Kirby "Maybe she's having a bad day."

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