Chapter 29: Forgotten memories

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Y/n gasped, finding herself back in the ocean except this time, it felt different.

She peered down, finding her legs had turned into a tail as they were supposed to... except the tail was far shorter than it usually is, she glanced down at her arms and they seemed smaller too.

"Y/n dear, don't stray too far!" The voice of her grandmother called.

"Okay Grandmother!" The girl chimed- she didn't tell her voice to do that- her voice didn't sound right either... it sounded younger... was she a child again? She felt her hair, two pigtails floating above her head.

"C'mon N/n, let's go closer to the top!" Another voice exclaimed swimming past her and turning to face her.

This girl couldn't be more than six years old; her hair was lilac and tied into two braids- floating above her head, her eyes bright yellow, much like many other sirens their age, she had a grey tint to her skin, the scales on her tail matched her hair.

"Echo! Wait up!" Y/n called swimming after her. How did she know the girls name?

The two girls swam up to the top of the ocean, looking around carefully to be sure there was no ships before pulling themselves onto a rock. Echo allowed herself to turn into her 'Normie' form, her hair turning brown and her skin losing the grey tint, the only thing that remained the same were her eyes.

As her tail split with a sickening ripping sound- one that made both girls wince (especially Echo of whom was feeling immense pain) and her gills forged to her neck, a white dress appeared on the childs body.

"Y'know when we're older it won't hurt as much... turning into a human." The girl smiled.

"Really?" Y/n asked- Why was she asking this? She's known this since she was four... it hasn't even hurt since she was seven.

"Yeah!" Echo glanced over at Y/n, looking down at her tail "You should transform too."

Y/n glanced down.

"I dunno... I'm not very good at it." Y/n said sheepishly. What was she talking about? She used to do it all the time!

"Cmon N/n! Do it! You'll be amazing!" Echo exclaimed.

The girl bit her lip before nodding, closing her eyes.

Screams emitted from her lips as she suddenly felt a white-hot pain, unable to see properly as she felt her tail being ripped in half, the air removing itself from her body as her gills were clamped down onto her neck, her head burning as her teeth tried to shave down- to no avail, her hands aching as her claws tried to push down into her fingers and her webbing tried to push down into her body, her ears feeling as though they'd fallen off as it sheds the spare webbing.

When the transformation was complete the siren looked down at her body.

"Hm... You're not very good at this are you?" Echo asked tilting her head.

Y/n shook her head.

"I'm never doing that full transformation again- it's too painful." Y/n swore.

"You'll change your mind." Echo said before her eyes widened in excitement "Look what I have!"

Echo pulled something from her dress and revealed a sparkling black crystal strung on a golden chain.

Y/n gasped, looking at the crystal.

"You got your crystal! How? We're not supposed to get those until we start developing powers!" Y/n exclaimed- Okay so she is definitely sometime in the past but... why was she here and not with all her friends?

"Well... I've kind of already developed mine." Echo smiled.


"Yeah... I'm kind of an early bloomer." Echo smiled.

Y/ns expression sank and her shoulders sagged.

"I don't think I'll ever get my crystal."

"What do you mean Y/n? Of course, you will!" Echo said, tilting her head.

"Well- what if I never get my powers? I mean of course you develop early you're perfect! But... I'm not, I can't even transform right!" Y/n exclaimed.

Echo's cheeks tinted blue at the comment.

"Y/n... I'm not perfect... I mean, I'm not even that much of an early bloomer! Most sirens get their powers by ten and I'm six, it's only... four... years early! In fact, I only developed so early because..." She hesitated "I cheated."

"What!" Y/n yelled.

"Shh! Not so loud n/n, we can't tell the adults!" The six-year-old scolded.

"Sorry. How- how did you cheat?"

"I-I did magic to speed up the process."

"You what?! How did you even-"

"I found a magic book- normally I wouldn't be able to read it but the only thing I need to know is the incantations... the rest is mostly pictures." Echo admitted.

"That... is... so cool!" Y/n exclaimed.

Echo smiled; her body language relaxing.

"I know and the best part is-" Echo cut herself off, her face falling as she saw something in the distance.

Y/n turned around and saw it, a large wooden ship heading towards them.

The two children dove back into the ocean, allowing their bodies to return to their aquatic form, swimming away from the ship. Unfortunately, Y/n had gotten her tail stuck on a hook in the water, she gasped calling for help as the ship released a net, capturing her in it.

Why couldn't she remember this now?

As the net rose up, Echo saw, she swam up to the surface and took a deep breath, she murmured an incantation, holding her hand out in front of her. A blue fog omitted from her palm and shot towards the net, severing it and allowing Y/n to return safely to the sea.

However, Echo turned around and gasped when she saw Y/ns mother behind her. She'd been caught doing magic.

The world disappeared in a whirl of smoke and Y/n reappeared in the void, however this time there was only one path, the bridge path.

Despite not remembering it, she knew what happened next, Echo would have been tried- likely killed or exiled and Y/n had been forbidden to leave the island ever again.

But why hadn't she remembered it? And why did she see that memory?

The girl shook her head standing up, finding herself dripping wet... obviously she'd just been in the ocean- kind of. She walked through the bridge path and found the bridge had been completed.

Y/n stepped over the halfway mark of the bridge and everything went black.

A/n: Don't worry guys! Next chapter will return to canon... kinda

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