Chapter 17: Mayonnaise

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"Good morning, Monster High. The casketball tournament pep rally has been moved to the clawditorium. Go Demons!" The announcement sounded.

"Okay, for the mist of releasing spell, there's a few ingredients we need to find." Draculaura spoke to the group as they sat around a table outside.

"Like a scavenger hunt? I love it." Frankie grinned, Y/n nodding in agreement as Kirby nibbled on an apple slice, she had given them.

"Okay, most of these are easy." Draculaura informed, Clawdeen nodding "Witch hazel, rosemary, mayonnaise- but a couple are harder. Powdered mace wing, ogre bone-"

"Ogre bone?" Clawdeen asked.

"Yeah, why?" Draculaura questioned.

"Bloodgood's mug, it's pure ogre bone." Clawdeen informed.

"We just need to find a time when she's out of her office, then shave a little bone off the mug." Draculaura spoke.

"9:17 a.m." Frankie stated.

"Huh?" Draculaura asked as the group looked at Frankie in confusion.

"Every morning at exactly 9:17, she leaves her office and uses the bathroom. She's very regular." Frankie explained "Okay, don't worry, it's not like I have a thing for tracking everyone's bathroom habits or anything. My brain just remembers everything, including everything that everyone does ever. Did you know that you moisten your lips every 32 to 34 seconds?"

"What?" Draculaura asked.

"So tomorrow, Bloodgood hits the lavatory at 9:17, we sneak in and shave the mug." Clawdeen spoke as Draculaura giggled and licked her lips.

"There, you just did it. 34 seconds." Frankie stated bluntly.

"They're right, you did." Y/n said.

Whilst Frankie, Clawdeen and Draculaura were on ogre bone duty, Y/n and Kirby were put on getting the mayonnaise and rosemary.

She walked down the halls, ensuring no one could see her before pulling down the arm of a statue, revealing an archway.

"Come on Kirb." She whispered stepping through, the passageway closing behind her, leaving the two of them in complete darkness.

'Y/n, I know I can see in the dark, but can you?' Kirby asked as Y/n tripped over a vine.

"No. Siren night vision only really works in the water... or you know at night." Y/n hissed.

'Y/n, that doesn't make sense.' Kirby squeaked.

"Well, it doesn't need to make sense, it's magic- or supernatural? Not science Kirb." Y/n retorted.

'That also makes no sense.' Kirby stated.

"Oh, be quiet you." Y/n said.

'Rude. Anyways, what if, the reason your night vision thing isn't working is... bear with me here, the same reason you don't have your siren voice yet.' Kirby suggested.

"Kirby please, stop." Y/n requested.

'Fine. On another note, we should eat your history teacher.'

"What? Why?" Y/n exclaimed, stopping in her path.

'I don't like him.' Kirby shrugged.

"But why eat him?"

'Well, I love food and you're a siren.' Kirby responded.

"Kirby, I can't just eat my history teacher!"

'You... could though, it's as simple as just walking up to him and kind of just going... nom.'

"Kirb, I actually quite like Mr Komos, I'm not going to just... eat him."

'But- if you do no homework?'

"Kirby please be quiet."


Y/n continued walking in the darkness, until she reached one of the doors, unfortunately for Y/n, she was unable to see the door and accidentally fell through, landing smack on the stone floor of the Monster high kitchens.

"Kirby, why didn't you warn me?" She groaned.

'You told me to be quiet.' Kirby shrugged, crawling off her back.

"Okay, okay I'm sorry." She said sitting up and clutching her head- a mix of cyan and crimson blood now oozing out.

'Not forgiven, besides don't you know those passageways like the back of your hand.'

"I do, I do! It was just dark, okay?" Y/n defended grabbing a small vial from one of the cupboards to collect her blood.

'Why on earth do you do that?' Kirby asked in bewilderment.

"Siren blood has healing and beautification qualities." Y/n shrugged being careful to only get the cyan parts of her blood in the vial.


"You think everything I do is weird, now help me find the mayonnaise and rosemary." Y/n retorted, pocketing the vial.

After around ten minutes of searching for the mayonnaise with no luck (after being called by her friends to check in on how she was going) Y/n began lightly hitting her head against the wall.

"Where on Earth is the mayonnaise!" She exclaimed, lightly kicking one of the cupboards, resulting on the cupboard shaking and an unopened jar of mayonnaise falling out.

"Huh." She hummed, picking up the mayonnaise and Kirby, gently placing Kirby on her shoulder "Come on Kirb, lets go find the others."

A/n: Y/ns blood would look something like this, basically just like red and cyan together (How thats scientifically possible i dunno) (Dw i wont show acc blood, I'm not cruel)

A/n: Y/ns blood would look something like this, basically just like red and cyan together (How thats scientifically possible i dunno) (Dw i wont show acc blood, I'm not cruel)

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