Chapter 26: Never meant to be

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A/n: So this chapter is written a bit differently from the other chapters, hope you enjoy!  Btw, i put a lot of references in towards the end of this chapter, see if you can figure out what they are. Anyways enjoy this early chapter

The group stood helplessly as Y/n stepped closer to them, blade raised.

"Y/n- Y/n please-" Clawdeen pleaded.

The girl continued to step closer before stopping, a pained look on her face.

"Y/n?" Clawdeen asked tentatively as the blade was dropped, the girl falling to her knees, clutching her head.

"What's going on?" Frankie asked.

"She's fighting it." Draculaura answered weakly.

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Y/n L/n was a completely ordinary 14-year-old girl. Nothing was special about her at all. She attended school like everyone else, had friends like everyone else, had a family like everyone else, she even had a pet dog called Kirby. And much like half the families in America, she was raised by one parent.

Her father.

Y/n L/n never knew her mother, her entire life she lived with just her father in the city of Athens. Or she did. That was until her father met a woman, fell in love and moved to the town of New Salem.

She made friends there.

Met a group of girls called Cleo, Blue and Harper.

They were nice enough.

Then she met three students.

Laura, Claudine, and Frankie

They weren't as nice.

In fact, they weren't nice at all.

Laura and Claudine seemed to have made it their life's mission to ruin Y/n's.

And they were succeeding.

Until she met Deuce.

Deuce was Claudine's ex, and although Claudine was the devil reincarnated, Deuce was perfect.

He was a bit rebellious, extremely smart and extraordinarily handsome.

After a month of hanging out, Deuce asked the girl out and of course she said yes.

At that moment her life was perfect.

However, a few weeks later her life came tumbling down.

You see, Cleo also liked Deuce.

So much so that when Y/n began dating Deuce, she immediately turned on her.

Harper and Blue joined soon after.

The group worked with Claudine and Laura to ruin the perfection of Y/ns life.

And they succeeded.

Deuce broke up with her a week before her 15th birthday, her dog ran away and she was left with no one but her only other friend Serenity, an exchange student who was forced to return home soon after.

Heartbroken the girl was left with no one, nothing but her family and the endless torment that was school.

But wait- that's not right... or is it?

No. Frankie was Frankie and Cleo was Cleo, Cleo wasn't her friend, Frankie was.

Blue wasn't her friend either no that was Claudine... or was it Clawdeen? And Blue was... Lagoona?

And Harper... no Barker was never her friend either that was Laura... or Draculaura.

Deuce and her never dated... or had they? Nor had Deuce and Clawdeen, that was Deuce and Cleo.

And, Serenity never left... Serenity was Eternity and she was still there, at the same school, in the same classes.

And, Kirby wasn't a dog they were a hermit crab... and they didn't run away either... had they?

Nor did she live with her father, she never knew her father... right? No. It was her mother she lived with... or was it?

And she didn't have a birthday so she couldn't be 14, she was 15 because she was 15- none of this birthday nonsense.

And she wasn't a human, she was a siren. She wasn't raised in Athens; she was raised on an island in the middle of nowhere. She didn't attend school like everyone else because she had to run away from home to attend school.

And she wasn't ordinary. She was Y/n L/n, a 15-year-old siren without her powers and she was anything but.

Or was that all inside her head too? Perhaps she wasn't a siren, she was a fairy... or a mermaid, or a nymph. And maybe she wasn't 15 perhaps she was really a hundred and twenty. Perhaps she was a witch attending a boarding school for people who could do magic.

Maybe she didn't have any friends or perhaps she was a near-immortal being living in a post-apocalyptic world.

Or perhaps she was a girl in the nineteen forties, trapped in a never-ending loop.

Or perhaps she was adopted as a baby and raised to fight crime with her seven adoptive siblings.

Or maybe she was sent away from her fairytale world as a baby just before a great curse was placed upon them so 28 years down the line, she could save her family.

Or perhaps she was a superhero, placed into a team of other superheros, the majority of them being fellow teenagers.

Or perhaps she was the daughter of a villain, sent to go to school full of princes and princesses.

Or perhaps she never existed at all.

Perhaps she was just an idea, a thought, a concept never set in motion, destined to float around in nothingness but never truly live.

Perhaps she was never meant to be.

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