Chapter 1: mother knows best

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Creds to Tangled for the song. And yes I did use the letter from the weird promo thingy. Bold= song, bold+underline= letter. This chapter is like 2 weeks after the prologue)

Y/n slowly ran a hand down her bookshelf, pulling out her most favourite book, she opened it carefully to the middle and pulling out a red envelope. The envelope had black laced ribbon around it and a black skull in the middle with metallic skeleton hands on the sides. She turned it over in her hands before opening it up and reading it for the fourth time.

'Dear Y/n L/n,

Congratulations! You have been accepted to Monster High. You've been given this opportunity in recognition of your impressive personal and scholastic achievements which reflect the monster values we admire in our students. We're excited to see you soon at Monster High.

Headmistress Nora Bloodgood.'

Underneath the actual letter part of the letter was other stuff for school like dorms, locker (138), stuff to bring and schedule.

She took a small breath closing her eyes. Surely her mother would allow her to go had she only asked, showed how important this is, after all, she went there herself, granted it was only for her last year of schooling but, still. But what if her mother refused? Her family wasn't exactly the most open to other kinds of monsters, all of them being sea sirens, which is ironic considering there was no way Y/n could be just a sea siren, most sea sirens are female, yet she had a father, she knew she did considering she had heard her mother and grandmother whispering about him once.

Y/n held the letter tightly to her chest before walking down the stairs of her house and out to the beach where her mother was.

Y/n lived on an island half surrounded by rocks in the middle of nowhere with her mother and grandmother, sea sirens did in-fact have the ability to survive on land much like their avian cousins however it was often preferred for them to live in water where they are far more powerful. She slowly walked towards her mother, who was sitting on a rock braiding her hair.

"Uh, mother, I was hoping to talk to you about something kinda important to me." Y/n began nervously.

"This isn't about your father, is it? I've already told you-"

"No, it's not, well, maybe, no it's actually about school..." Y/n interrupted.

"School? Oh! Did you resurrect my idea of you going to Plankton high or Lakewood Academy for sirens? That's excellent!" Her mother exclaimed giving Y/n a tight hug.

"Uh- no, no I- Uh was hoping, you would allow me to attend Monster High, with other monsters- not just sirens and sea monsters, you see I applied and got accepted and I really want to-" Y/n requested reluctantly getting out of her mother's grasp.

"Monster high? Like with other monsters? Absolutely not! Imagine the dangers you'd be in! A zombie could try to eat your extremely tasty brains, a gorgon could turn you to stone or, or a vampire could suck out your deliciously sweet blood! And I have heard a rumour that monster high has witches. Imagine what witches would do to a beautiful siren like yourself!" Her mother wailed overdramatically stroking her daughters face, y/n leaned into the touch, not being so used to affection from her mother. "They could drain your blood for a beauty spell, or take your scales for an aquatic breathing spell, or even your beautiful voice or vocal cords for an imitation spell! I cannot allow that to happen to you dear."

"Well, mother... no offence but don't you think you may be being just a teensy bit... uh... overdramatic or maybe overprotective?" Y/n reasoned.

"Me? Overdramatic? Overprotective? Well excuse me for caring about MY ONLY daughter's safety." She exclaimed putting one of her hands to her chest and the other to her forehead.

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