Chapter 6: Secret rooms and books

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Y/n made her way back to her dorm room with Kirby now sleeping peacefully on her chest. She gently stroked Kirby walking down the halls knowing whilst magic is useful it could also be remarkably unreliable so if something were to happen it would be best to know where her dorm would be without a living school helping.

When Y/n finally found where her dorm is located without magic, she opened the door to find her things all unpacked but her grandmother not in the room. She walked over to the bed where, next to a computer was a note from her grandmother.

Enjoy the computer, I have gone to speak with your headmistress, I shall be back soon to say goodbye.

XX, Grandmother.

Y/n smiled slightly before placing the note down and gently placing Kirby down in their own little spot in the room. Y/n flopped onto the bed happily as she looked around her side of the room. Her eyes furrowed however as she notices a book out of place on the bookshelf. She gently gets up to put it in properly when she realises, this isn't even one of her books. She carefully removed the book from the shelf to examine it when the book shelf flew open.

"Holy shit." Y/n exclaimed looking through the now revealed doorway. Through the doorway was a room. The room was full of bookshelves, art supplies and chairs and couches. Y/n was willing to bet that at least two of the bookshelves had more secret passageways. She looked around noticing the bookshelves had books she had never even heard of as well as books relating to sirens, mermaids, gorgons, elves and ocean monsters. Y/n made a mental note to return to the room for studying purposes later on as well as to see if her hunch that the other bookshelves have more passageways is correct.

Y/n grabbed a book from one of the shelves and walked out of the room closing the bookshelf behind her. She lied down in bed looking at the book cover. It had a stunning silver snake on the cover with red crystals in place of eyes. The title was faded however Y/n was able to make out a couple of the letters.


Y/n ran her finger along the cover, feeling the smooth silver snake before slowly opening the old book, being careful not to damage the ancient pages. She blew some dust off of the first page, gently removing a cobweb from between the pages.


Was the first word she had read. The first word in the book. This caused Y/n to infer that the book was about Gorgons, or at the very least monsters and Mythology as a whole. Y/n gently put the book down deciding she would save it for later figuring that due to the books age it would indubitably have outdated views. She looked up at the roof. It was a plain roof, nothing interesting about it really, rather boring actually. Y/n had the urge to paint it, make it into her canvas but she decided against it. She lay on the soft comfortable bed, lost in thought until the door opened to reveal her grandmother.

"Alright dear so, I have spoken to your headmistress and told her to only contact me, not your mother and things like that and now I shall be leaving. Do not worry I shall make sure to cover for you with your mother." Her grandmother said giving a small smile as Y/n rushed over to give her a hug which was not reciprocated.

"Goodbye Grandmother." Y/n stated pulling away from the hug and composing herself slightly saddened her grandmother didn't hug back.

"Goodbye dear." Her grandmother said patting her on the shoulder before leaving the dorm.

"Wow, this is actually happening... I'm at school... I'm at school... I'M AT SCHOOL!" Y/n exclaimed happily jumping up and down as Kirby grumpily peered over the glass of their habitat.

"Sorry Kirb." Y/n apologised quieter.

A/n: Sorry this chapters so short, I just really wanted to give you a chapter. The snake book is probably gonna be important later :) Ly -Author

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