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3 days had passed and Y/n was feeling rather lonely, more students were beginning to show up however Y/n refused to speak to any of them out of fear she would embarrass herself. That was until the door of her dorm opened to reveal a fairly attractive girl with grey skin, messy brown hair and evident heterochromia, having one green eye and one red eye. She walked into the room a smug smile on her face which fell upon seeing Y/n in the room.

"Oh. I have a roommate... shame." The girl said giving Y/n a once over.

"Uh, hi! You must be Barker." Y/n smiled getting up to shake the girl's hand.

Barker merely looked at the hand, rolled her eyes and walked to her side.

"Don't like other monsters huh? Sounds like someone else I know." Y/n muttered under her breath sighing.

"Look, it's nothing against you but I just... had specific people in mind for dormmates and you're... definitely not it. See, I wanted my best friends Cleo or Lagoona but of course they have somebody else as their roommate and now I'm stuck with, well, you." Barker explained putting her bags onto her bed.

"Uh-huh." Y/n sounded feeling irritated.

"Just stay out of my way this year and we won't have an issue, just like be quiet and don't snore or be weird and stuff." She ordered seemingly exhausted from lifting up one bag.

"Are you okay there Barker?" Y/n questioned furrowing her eyebrows in concern.

"If you must know I am a zombie, we are much slower than most people and also much weaker." She said matter-of-factly.

"You need help?" She offered walking towards the zombie.

"No, I do not require your help. What kind of monster are you anyway?" Barker responded snootily.

"Oh, uh, I'm a siren! At least I think..." Y/n exclaimed.

"Oh... shouldn't you be like prettier or something?" Barker questioned grabbing out some lipstick and a compact mirror.

"Uh- well, no? I mean- maybe? I suppose I get prettier in water or something." Y/n spoke feeling kind of affronted.

"Also aren't you supposed to have like a tail or wings?" Barker asked putting lipstick on her face.

"Uh, common misconception, whilst the avian kind do exist so do the aquatic kind, I am the aquatic kind so I do have a tail but only when I swim..." Y/n explained.

"Oh... that's kinda... lame, what about that crystal thing you use for powers and stuff? Where's yours?" Barker questioned looking at Y/ns neck.

"Well, I don't have all my powers yet so I don't really require it so I keep mine hidden somewhere safe..." Y/n explained watching the zombie seem to be uninterested until she mentioned she had didn't have all her powers.

Barker let out a laugh. Not a laugh more... a cackle the kind you would hear from a movie villain, the kind that'd bring shivers down someone's spine.

"You don't even have all your powers yet? How pathetic is that?" Barker cackled pulling her phone out (evidently to text all her friends).

"And what powers do you have Barker? You know, as a Zombie?" Y/n retorted.

"Well- I can't die."

"Your already dead also neither can ghosts, or sirens for the most part or vampires, most things really." Y/n stated.

"I am unaffected by temperature."

"I'm pretty sure ghosts are too." Y/n argued.

"Well- at least I have the powers I'm supposed to have." Barker argued.

Y/n decided to attempt to ignore her and sat down on her bed and looked at Kirby's little area. Y/n carefully lifted Kirby out of their little section and gently lay them on her lap. She lightly placed a finger onto Kirby's shell and stroked it. Kirby, who was sleeping prior, slowly opened their eyes and let out a small chirp.

Barker's head turned to look at Kirby, causing her to let out a screech.

"What on earth is THAT?" Barker exclaimed pointing at Kirby.

"Kirby." Y/n stated simply continuing to stroke Kirby who was now doing their best glare.

"It's hideous!"

"THEY are a hermit crab." Y/n blankly said as Kirby let out a growl-like sound and clicked their claws menacingly.

"Well IT, looks disgusting." Barker hissed.

"Their beautiful." Y/n stated holding Kirby down to avoid them scuttling over and pinching one of Barkers fingers off.

"Get that thing out of this dorm room!" Barker yelled.

"No thank-you." Y/n stated looking at Kirby's shell.

"This is my dorm and I do not want THAT to be in here."

"It's my dorm too and unless you happen to be allergic to hermit crabs, I will not be moving Kirby out just because you don't like them especially considering Kirby helps me cope with being away from home for the first time for long periods of time." Y/n said boredly before lifting Kirby up and placing them on her shoulder.

Y/n rose from the bed and walked towards the door.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go meet with the headmistress." Y/n said walking out of the dorm.

A/n: Hi! We finally meet the roommate! Barker is my friends OC and she agreed to have her character be mean and stuff (Kinda), I hope I did a good job! I hope you enjoyed!


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