Chapter 25: Betrayal

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A/n: Sorry this ones kinda short... and bad, i kind of rushed this one because i've been busy hope you enjoy and stuff.

"I haven't been entirely forthcoming with you." The teacher spoke.

"Mr. Komos?" Clawdeen breathed.

"Nope. Komos was my mother's maiden name." The teacher corrected "My name is Hyde. Hyde Junior, technically. I was named after my father."

"You're Hyde's son?" Clawdeen asked.

"That's what I just said. Try to keep up, Clawdeen. You listen so well in class." The teacher hissed, turning around to walk around the round table "I have been looking for this place ever since I arrived this year. I found the lab journals, of course. Cracking that code-"

The teacher cut himself off with a laugh

"I've got to admit, I was stumped. Whew! That was pretty genius there, Frankie." Mr Komos doubled over, clutching the table "And opening that door was clever... of course you weren't the first to think of it, Y/n figured it out last night... unfortunately she never got the chance to tell you, I made sure of that."

Clawdeen gasped, Draculaura and Frankie merely looked down.

"No." The half-human breathed.

"Yes. Dad didn't pass down his alter ego. So, without a true human hand, I was never gonna open it. Clawdeen, you get an A+!" The teacher exclaimed.

"So, you just wanted to turn a monster, too?" Draculaura asked.

"So, you could stay at Monster High?" Frankie added.

"Oh, I don't wanna stay at Monster High." The teacher cackled, grunting as his eyes became red "I'm going to destroy Monster High."

He let out loud groans as his body transformed, his body becoming more muscled and his horns growing longer. A second figure entered the room at the sound, remaining in the shadows.

"Ohh. See, this potion doesn't just turn you into a monster." He spoke, walking around the table, the shadowed figure watching intently "It turns you into the ultimate monster. My dad was a smart man. His formula was gonna be his revenge against all those monsters that ruined his life. Though, of course, he was expelled before he could take it, so I'm here to finish the job."

He stuck his hand out, causing a purple essence to emit from Draculaura, the vampire collapsed with a gasp, the shadowed figure almost stepping out, gasping in what seemed to be pain but quickly restraining themself.

"Draculaura!" Clawdeen exclaimed rushing to the witch's side.

Mr Komos released a cackle, turning himself into a bat then back to normal.

"Neat!" The teacher exclaimed.

"What have you done to her?" Clawdeen cried.

"I've stolen her powers. Her very monster essence. It's perfect." The teacher breathed "And tonight is the perfect night. They're all here-- Bloodgood and all the school's most prestigious officers. Once I've brought down Monster High, I'll move on to those that actually killed my father. Humans."

The teacher paused, the shadowed figure inching closer as Frankie moved towards a tray of chemicals.

"Oh, man, I feel good! Look at this rockin' bod!" The teacher exclaimed.

"Quick, run!" Frankie exclaimed creating an explosion, blinding the teacher.

The group ran out of the lab.

"Get them." The teacher growled. The shadowed figure nodded, chasing after them, managing to make it into the tomb, unnoticed before the group could shut the door.

"Hurry." Frankie urged Clawdeen, holding Draculaura up.

"He's not gonna stop." Clawdeen said urgently rushing to help the Frankenbeast.

"I'm so weak." Draculaura mumbled.

"We need to get her help and warn everyone." Clawdeen said, helping the witch over to the door, but stopping in her tracks when a being appeared in front of her.

"Now how are you going to do that?"

"Y/n!" Clawdeen exclaimed rushing over to the girl, pulling her into a hug "I'm so glad you're alright... Mr Komos- I thought-"

The half-wolf hesitated however when the girl tilted her head, an evil look on her face.

"Y/n?" Clawdeen breathed "What are you doing?"

The girl stayed quiet however, stepping towards the group, Clawdeen taking a step back.

"Y/n?" Clawdeen questioned, her breath hitching as she saw something glinting from the girl's hand.

"Clawdeen, that's not Y/n! Someone's controlling her!" Frankie exclaimed.

"No." Clawdeen breathed, backing away further.

"Yes." The girl smiled, stepping closer to the group, backing them up against the wall, the blade in her hand raised.

"Y/n-" Clawdeen murmured.

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