Chapter 9: Out of the dark

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(A/N: Yes, yes I did look up facts just for this chapter... I hate myself.)

(A/n: Also yes, i did use a song for tangled the series that may not even fit for Y/ns part, who cares shush. And Gryph, if ur reading this... shut, i couldnt be fucked getting you to read this 1 with me... or the next chapter)

Four more days had passed (of which Y/n and Kirby spent exploring the school rather than risk interacting with her roommate, who y/n feels is one of the first monsters she really doesn't like.) and it was finally the day every monster student would be arriving at the school. Y/n (who by now knew most of the passageways like the back of her hand) treaded through one of her favourite passageways to get from the dormitory area to the main locker space so as to be able to watch the monsters come in and hopefully, befriend at least one of them. She walked up the stairs so she could watch everyone come into the school. She leant against the banister hearing what sounded like... singing?

"Is that singing Kirb? Why would people be singing? I mean I know why I sing, because my only friend I've made in 15 years is a hermit crab, no offense Kirb, due to the fact I've never left the island... and also, I'm a you know siren but-" She was cut off by Kirby shoving their claw on her mouth.

"Just listen." Kirby squeaked.

"I spent my life in the shadows, creepin' round the corners, trying to find a home to land. I've spent my nights feeling lonely, dreaming of what could be but this is where I take my stand." A feminine voice in the distance sung. "I might be nervous, but I'm an optimist It's an adventure, ready to take the risk. Looking for monsters, looking for family, could this be what I've been waiting for?"

"Oh shoot! I'm late!" The same voice yelled as a loud bell went off.

"This is what I've been waiting for!" The same voice sung revealing herself to be a girl with wolf ears and purple hair, who was wearing glasses and a moon covered shirt.

"Kirb, do you think she's a werewolf or do you think she's a cat?" Y/n whispered to the hermit crab on her shoulder.

"Here I am I'm coming out of the dark! Not afraid to show my secrets or my scars! This is where I'm finally free, this is where I'm meant to be! Here, I am, I'm coming out of the dark, out of the dark." The wolf-cat sung as Y/n leaned forward over the banister, causing Kirby to almost fall off her shoulder, to see the student body to seemingly be dancing simultaneously.

"Kirby, don't panic but I think we've joined a cult." Y/n whispered to the now annoyed hermit crab.

She looked over and saw a pretty girl with light pink skin and black and pink hair appear out of thin air with whom she assumed to be her father, both of whom seemed to be in an argument. Y/n couldn't make out what they were saying but did manage to make out the girl's name 'Draculaura.'

"So, this is it, back at school still living by his rules, how can I find somewhere to breathe? I'm not a king, that's him and no one tells him, 'No' I just need a chance to find my wings." Draculaura sung.

"Now she's singing? Is this like some monster tradition I don't understand?" Y/n asked Kirby.

Y/n noticed someone with blue skin and strange, but cool, hair introducing themselves, much like Y/n they seemed very new at this whole other monster's thing.

"Hi! Name's Frankie, Frankie Stein! Mabuhay kamusta ka! Names Frankie, Shalom! I'm 15 days old!" The person exclaimed to the other monsters.

"I might be nervous, but I'm an optimist It's an adventure, ready to take the risk. I see the monsters; they look like family. Frankie sung.

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