Chapter 5: The awkward encounter

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A/n: So this is basically just a chapter full of inner voices and awkward conversation because idk realism or something? (Trust me you would be awkward had you never spoken to anybody outside your family either)

Y/n looked down to see a boy seemingly around her age wearing glasses and a beanie looking around.

"Up here!" Y/n called out causing the boy to look up at her.

"How did you get up there?" The boy yelled up.

"I have no idea!" She yelled back leaning slightly forward as Kirby clung to her chest.

"Okay uh, Jump!" He called.

"Wait, what? No!" She yelled back confused.

"I'll catch you!" He yelled putting his arms out.

"Okay..." Y/n called before pushing herself off the tree (causing Kirby to cling to the hem of her shirt/dress). Y/n closed her eyes keeping one hand on Kirby and the other on her eyes. She bit her lip to avoid screaming as she fell and fell and feel until she felt arms wrap around her, catching her.

She looked up at the person who caught her. In her opinion he was somewhat cute like something out of a book she read. He had stunningly bright green eyes with hair to match, he had a green jacket and a camo shirt on. His hair was covered by his black beanie but she heard the slightest hissing noise from inside.

'Shit. Rescuers a gorgon.' A voice in her head said.

'A cute one though. Maybe he's nice. He did just save me?' Another said.

'But maybe he just wants to turn me to stone.' The first voice reasoned.

'No then there'd be no point in helping.' The second voice responded.

Y/n was forced out of her thoughts by his voice.

"You, okay?" The boy asked setting her gently down on the ground and looking her up and down.

'Searching for weakness I bet.' One voice said.

'Shut up, he's just making sure we're okay, its kinda sweet.' The other said.

"Uh yeah-yeah I'm okay just never climbed a tree before you know?" She smiled taking her hand off of Kirby and using his arms to steady herself.

"Well, you picked a really big one to start with, how did you get up there in the first place?" He asked.

'Don't answer that, he can use it against you.' A voice said.

'Don't listen, he won't do anything.' The other opposed.

"Well like I said before, I don't know it just... happened?" She responded but it came out as more of a question then a statement.

"Okay better question, why where you up there?" He asked looking not quite but near her eyes.

'Don't answer that one either you could put Kirby in danger.'

'No answer it, it would be rude not to, besides why would he harm a hermit crab?'

"Uh my pet Hermit crab kinda got stuck up there." She responded getting pretty pissed off with the voices.

"Oh." He smiled as they both just stood there, unmoving, arms still holding each other, just staring.

'Don't look into his eyes. He'll kill you' A voice randomly spoke.

'No, he won't! He just saved us there'd be no point.' The other voice defended.

'He's literally a gorgon, that's like their whole thing.' The first argued.

'Okay we're not even 100% sure he is a gorgon; he might just have green hair that hisses.' The other retorted.

'There are literally snakes poking out of the back of his beanie.' The first deadpanned.

'Could be pets.' The other stated.

'Oh my- you are impossible!' The first yelled.

'So are you!' The other yelled back.

"Are you a gorgon?" Y/n blurted out, desperate to drown the voices out. Realising what she just said her eyes widened before quickly continuing "I'm sorry that was remarkably inappropriate of me you might not be a gorgon and could just have green eyes and hair and keep snakes in your hat, I shouldn't assume. I have just never really spoken to other monsters properly before."

The 'Gorgon?' smiled before speaking "Yes, I'm a gorgon but not that kind of gorgon, I won't turn you to stone or anything, hence the glasses."

"Okay I figured you wouldn't turn me to stone, otherwise there would be no reason for you to help me get down. Also, hey! Mythology twins!" Y/n rambled.

He gave her a puzzled look as she sighed and continued.

"I'm a siren, gorgons and sirens are both from Greek mythology." Y/n explained smiling.

"Oh, cool! Shouldn't you be a bird, or have wings?" He asked looking at her.

"It's a heavily debated subject but no, both the sea and avian kind exist and I am leaning more on the sea side, unfortunately don't have the voice either way." Y/n explained rambling a bit.

"Interesting, what's your-" He began before Y/n cut him off.

"Uh sorry I've gotta run, judging by the sun it's around 1:30 and I don't wish to leave my grandmother alone in my dorm for too long." Y/n explained rushing off as Kirby gave the gorgon a death stare.

"What an awkward encounter..." Y/n muttered to Kirby feeling embarrassed.

"What a strange person." The gorgon smiled to himself.

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