Chapter 19: Mystery

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Y/n, Clawdeen, Draculaura and Frankie all walked through the graveyard, discussing the events that had transpired that afternoon.

"He has a snake named Mo?" Draculaura laughed.

"Yep, and you do not want to annoy Mo." Y/n informed.

"So, he just gave you the venom?" Frankie asked.

"Yep." Y/n confirmed.

"It was that easy?" Clawdeen asked.

"Yep, we're friends... I think." Y/n answered.

"He is so into you." Draculaura laughed.

"What?" Y/n asked, stopping in her tracks.

"Totally into you." Frankie exclaimed

"No- I mean we kissed but-"

"What?" Draculaura asked a small laugh emitting from her throat.

"We kissed- I think."

"What do you mean, you think" Clawdeen asked.

"Well- I'm not exactly uh- sure what happened- you guys know how I am with this stuff but uh, our lips like- touched... I dunno if it's kissing or not but, in every book, I've read that's how it's described."

"Oh my gosh! You kissed!" Clawdeen exclaimed.

"Well- I mean-"

"He is definitely into you." Ghoulia said popping up from the dirt.

"Really?" Y/n asked

"Yes, now let's open that door" Draculaura said, gently grabbing the sirens arm and walking towards the door.

Once they had reached the door, Clawdeen and Draculaura worked on the spell whilst Frankie and Y/n read through the spell book.

"Okay, mace wing, now the ogre bone. Mm, just a pinch." Draculaura instructed Clawdeen.

"And now it just says, 'Mix ingredients well.'" Frankie spoke, walking over to the group, Y/n following behind.

"Okay, let's hope this works." Draculaura said, grabbing a handful of the powder and returning to the door, rubbing her hands together "Bring the power to my fist, release the hold with gathered mist."

A green mist emits from Draculaura's palms, floating towards the doors, covering it, only for it not to open, the group's faces fell, Kirby stirring from Y/n's pocket.

"Try again." Clawdeen encouraged, holding the Mortar and Pestle filled with the powder out.

Draculaura repeated her earlier actions, repeating the spell:

"Bring the power to my fist, release the hold with gathered mist."

The same green mist emitted from her palms however, just like before, it fails.

"I guess I'm just not good enough." Draculaura sighs dejectedly.

"Oh." Clawdeen hums as the group comforts her.

"We should head back guys." Draculaura suggests, Frankie and Clawdeen nodding.

Draculaura, Frankie and Clawdeen all turned to leave, walking a few steps forward before noticing Y/n wasn't following.

"You coming?" Clawdeen asked.

"Uh, you guys go ahead, I'll catch up in a bit..." She spoke.

Clawdeen and Frankie nodded, walking ahead, Draculaura staying behind.

"Are you sure you're going to be alright alone? Do you even know the way back?" Draculaura asked.

"I'll be fine, I've got Kirby... besides you're in here alone all the time." Y/n pointed out.

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