Chapter 28: Papa I'm going home

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A/N: HAPPY CHRISTMAS/Yule GUYS! (for those of you who celebrate that is) MY GIFT TO YOU? A CHAPTER! (I actually just finished the next chapter wayyy ahead of time and figured why not?)

Y/n continued down the seemingly never-ending path, doubts slowly entering her mind as she walked further. Still, she followed the shards until they completely vanished, she spun around, trying to find them and only made herself more lost.

She let out a frustrated scream. She had been so close to finding him and now she's completely lost!

She paused her screaming for a moment, taking a deep breath before screaming until her lungs gave out, dropping to the ground in defeat, clutching her legs to her chest.

She'd never find her father now; she'd never even get to leave this empty void.

What if she was right the first time? Had she just hallucinated her dad? Was she insane? Had she completely lost her mind in the void. Oh- Barker or Harper or Claudine or whatever the Hades her name was would love to see it.

She paused sitting up cross legged.

"Papa I could use some help here. Tired of talking to myself here." She sung looking at the non-existent sky "Back at home, you don't exist so here I am in the abyss."

She stood up, slowly taking a step forward.

"Are you really in this place?" She took another step forward "It's like the emptiness of space"

She continued stepping forward, looking at the ground.

"I could search for all eternity and never see your face" She sighed "Help me out"

She stopped in place, looking around the void.

"I'm lost without you... Standing" She started moving forward again "Stuck on this impossible road, no idea which way to go, whichever path I choose I lose, you know."

She paused looking around.

"And I don't know which way's home!" She broke into a sprint running forwards "I don't know which way's home!"

She slowed her running.

"I always saw life as a game but since I left, it sucks to play." She hesitated "I'm beaten up and bruised confused by rules that alter every day... Where to next?"

"You left but I'm still standing" She stepped forward before whipping her arms out and spinning around in circles "Spinning on this infinite road"

She stumbled, catching herself and continuing her walk.

"Terrified of letting you go, no light above and there's no hope below" She paused before yelling "And I don't know which way's home"

She broke into a sprint once again, seeing the glowing orb ahead of it.

"Dad, I've got my heart in my hand, speak to me and I'll understand one little word to know I'm not alone and show me the way back home." She looked around as the orb disappeared, sighing as she felt her hope wash out of her "Is there a way back home?"

She continued her walk, feeling defeat wash over her.

"The nothingness ahead of me is this the end you meant for me? Every living minute there's no home without you in it." Every word that came from her lips she took another step before stopping and looking up "I'm falling, quit stalling, your daughter is calling your name!"

She threw her arms out once again, yelling to the non-existent sky.

"I've burned all my bridges and games!"

She took a breath. Looking down and then seeing her dad, transparent and glowing but still him, she'd found him, she took a step closer but stopped. It didn't feel right, she looked behind her and saw the glowing orb, taking a deep breath she stepped closer to her father.

"Dad?" She breathed looking at the man tearfully "I don't wanna forget you."

She slowly wiped a stray tear from her cheeks, taking a deep breath for strength.

"I promise, I'm never gonna forget you."

She turned around to face the glowing orb, bunching her dress up and broke into a sprint, chasing it.

"I'm gonna go back home!" She sprinted as fast her legs would take her, returning to the room with the three pathways, the man she'd seen earlier reappearing with a soft smile on his face.

"Frankie, Eternity, Draculaura, Clawdeen, Deuce and Kirb!" She sprinted through the pathway with the bridge, running along the bridge and pausing "It's messy but they're all that I have! Papa, I'm going home! Yeah! Papa, I'm going home!"

She ran to where the bridge broke off, taking a small step back.

"I'm going home! Papa, I'm going home!" The girl jumped off the bridge- only to find there was no other side of the bridge and she plunged into the deep.

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