Chapter 31: No apologies

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Y/n sat away from her friends, her back resting against the wall as she watched the school's entrance for the familiar half-wolf.

She couldn't hear what the group was saying, she didn't want to, didn't deserve to. Why would she? After all she'd done.

"You're being too harsh on yourself kid." A voice spoke causing the girl to jump and turn her head.

Next to her sat the all too familiar god she had seen mere hours before.

"Hermes! What're you doing here?" The girl whispered.

"I'm not actually here." Hermes stated "Only you can see me right now."

The girl's brows furrowed.

"Okay but... why am I seeing you?"

"Helping a teenager in dire need of mental help." Hermes shrugged "I mean we talked about this; you did nothing wrong."

Y/n blinked in confusion as the god suddenly disappeared.

"Ooh! Is this the guy you like?" The god exclaimed reappearing next to Deuce "He's cute... probably best you never mention to Athena he's a Gorgon though, she doesn't like them."

The siren felt her cheeks gain a lilac tint, heating up.

The god disappeared again and appeared next to Eternity (of whom was on the other side of the room, walking calmly with Mercy).

"And this... is this the girl? Wow, she's pretty... what is she?"

The god disappeared again, reappearing in front of the girl.

"She's a harpy." Y/n responded smiling.

The god furrowed his brows.

"Really? Doesn't look like one. I always thought they looked more... bird-like... I'll take your word for it though, I haven't seen a harpy in a while and y'know, evolution."

Y/n slightly moved her head to the side, pondering before watching as the half-wolf entered.

"Who's that?" Hermes whispered pointing to Clawdeen.

"My fri- Clawdeen." Y/n whispered.

"Ohhh she's the human girl, right?"

"...No." Y/n lied.

"You are a horrible liar kid." The god stated.

The siren, crossed her arms in annoyance, moving her head to the side to watch as Clawdeen engulfed the group into a hug.

"What're they saying?" Hermes asked as Clawdeen broke away from the hug and

"I don't know." The siren answered.

"Whaddya mean you don't know? Don't sirens normally have like amazing hearing?" The god asked incredulously.

"Well, I can't focus it right now." Y/n responded.

"Why? Oooh are you one of those kids with uh- what's it called? Difficulty paying attention and stuff? I have a kid- well kids with that." The god rambled as the girl gave him a side glance "What?"

The girl didn't say anything however as Dracula began to speak.

"Today we are rewriting the school charter. We no longer revile humans, at least not all of them, no matter how tasty their veins may look." The vampire looked over to the man Y/n assumed to be Clawdeen's father as Y/n slowly walked forward, the blonde god following behind.

"We're honored to have you as a student here." Headmistress Bloodgood said to Clawdeen before adding, "That is, if that is what you want."

"Really?" Clawdeen exclaimed an excited look on her face "Yes, that's what I want."

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