Chapter 27: The void

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Above image is what I had in mind for the dress mentioned but it doesn't really matter as long as it's a white dress (Sorry to my more masculine people)

Nothing. Emptiness. An eternal white void. That's all that surrounded the girl. She slowly took a step forward- when had she stood up? She looked around the unfamiliar plane, brushing down her pristine white dress- when had she gotten changed? It was like she had been thrown into an endless limbo, a never-ending terrain of torture and torment. Except this torture and torment wasn't physical... it was psychological.

The longer the girl walked through the endless void the more trapped she was. Trapped in her own mind, loosing small parts of herself, but she couldn't just stay still either. Because had she stayed still, standing in one spot she would have been torn apart. Once again, not literally. She would have been torn apart by her own mind, confused by the two worlds inside her brain, neither of them fully showing her reality.

But the more she walked the more tormented she was. The more confused, part of her wanted to crawl up into a ball, scream her heart out, cry, break something- anything. But then, the other part of her told her to just keep moving, keep walking through the void until her legs gave out, keep walking until she physically could not anymore. Keep walking until she split in two... keep walking until she found her way home.

And so, she listened, ignoring the torment, ignoring the inescapable pain and heartache. Until, she came across a puddle, a small pool of clear liquid, almost impossible to see if it weren't for the light reflecting off of it- where was that light coming from? And suddenly, something so simple had become so important.

She carefully bent down and placed her pointer finger on the puddle, the puddle rippled, however she felt no change in texture just... air.

The ripples moved in perfect waves, looking like a portal into another dimension, like a perfect mirror and then, a face appeared in the water, one she couldn't recognise.

As she peered closer, trying to examine the face the water began to bubble, burning her finger.

She cried out, trying to pull her hand away from the liquid but to no avail, the water turned into a hand, enveloping her, she scrambled to her feet, trying to escape the liquid. However, before she could it pulled her in.

She closed her eyes, feeling herself falling until she landed... or more levitated? Her surroundings were suddenly awfully warm, as she opened her eyes, she found herself in a blue room, floating above the floor... except it wasn't quite a room as she realised when she'd noticed her hair rising from her head and the light poking out from the 'roof'.

"I know this place... I came here when I was four... it was the last time I left the island with permission." Y/n breathed, examining her surroundings.

She looked down at what should be her tail... but wasn't. She slowly began to swim forward, struggling to without her tail. Peeking out through the light however she saw the face again, this time with a corporal body. She swam closer, reaching out to touch it but, fell through, landing back in the white void with a thud.

She scrambled to her feet, the light form still there, revealing a face she shouldn't recognise but did.

"Dad." She breathed.

The light suddenly dissipated, leaving only a small glowing orb behind.

"Dad?" The girl slowly reached out to touch the orb, causing it to immediately shatter, the pieces floating and reforming a few feet away.

"Dad!" The girl exclaimed running after the orb.

"Dad please! I-I need you!" She cried running further chasing the orb until her legs gave way, landing in a clump "Dad please... help me."

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