Chapter 18: Trust

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(A/n: Sorry this chapter took so long guys! Hope you enjoy, sorry if you/Y/n are a bit ooc (from this book that is, idk how you act irl) in this chapter)

The quartet sat in their monster history class, Y/n sitting next to Draculaura (much to Eternity's dismay) as they quietly discussed their gathered potion ingredients.

"How we doing?" Clawdeen whispered.

"We're almost there. Powdered mace wing, witch hazel, rosemary." Draculaura listed before turning to Y/n "Y/n apparently got the mayonnaise but then noticed it was mouldy... and threw it out"

"It was! And it took Kirby and I ten whole minutes to find it too!" Y/n hissed "Also I didn't throw it out... I destroyed it."

"Mayonnaise? On it." Frankie whispered causing Y/n to send them a grateful smile.

Just then the bell rang, Y/n and Kirby quickly walked out of the classroom (Knowing full well that Y/n had forgotten to hand in her report outline), deciding against waiting for the rest of her friends and instead deciding to merely meet them later and go straight to her next class, or that was the plan at least... until Eternity stopped her in the halls, waving off Mercy.

"Hey Y/n!" Eternity greeted with her usual mellifluous voice.

"Hey Eternity." Y/n smiled.

"So, uh- I was just wondering, have I done something wrong?" She asked.

"What? No, why would you think that?" Y/n questioned.

"Well, I was just worried is all, you haven't spoken to me all day and you didn't sit with me in class so, just wanted to make sure." Eternity responded, her cheeks flushing in embarrassment.

"Oh! I am so sorry Eternity, I just wanted to sit with my other friends today! I didn't mean to make you feel like you did anything wrong." Y/n assured.

"No, no, Y/n don't apologise! It's my fault really, I got all insecure and you know how it is, thoughts tend to... wander."

Y/n nodded as Eternity held her arm out.

"Come on, I'll walk you to class." Eternity smiled interlinking their arms.


The Quartet (and Kirby) sat in an empty study room- bar Draculaura, who was standing and reading her spell book.

"Okay, let's see..." Draculaura murmured "Just one more ingredient left to find, and it's a doozy... Snake venom."

"The only native snake species to Monster High's ecosystem is a giant swamp viper, but they're 40 feet long and tend to bite your head off if you get too close, but I could probably get another head, so I'm game." Frankie said smiling.

"No, I know where we can find some." Clawdeen spoke up, looking at Y/n "It's just not gonna be easy."


"Clawdeen, I do not want to do this." Y/n protested as Clawdeen cornered her in her dorm.

"Don't you want to help us finish the spell?" Clawdeen asked.

"Yes but, I don't want to do this, I'd feel bad."


'Yeah, why?' Kirby chimed in from their aquarium (most likely referring to the part where she said she'd feel bad rather than the fact she doesn't want to do it)

"Because Deuce is my friend and I don't want to trick him into giving me his venom, nor do I want to do it without his knowledge." Y/n stated.

"Well... technically, you're taking venom from his snakes... not him." Clawdeen pointed out.

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