Chapter 2

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"Goodmorning Ladies. A bit late, are we?" Mr. Styles smiled.

"Sorry." we apologized and hurried to the last free seats in the back. When I took out my books and my pencil case I took a closer look on him.

He was really young. About 22 ? He has brown curly hair and green-ish / blue-ish eyes. He wore a tight jeans and a white shirt combined with a dark blazer AND chuck taylors.. . . .not bad I have to admit.

"For you two girls." he began looking at me and Maisie. "My name is Mr. Styles. I'm the new teacher here and I teach history and English Lit. I hope we get along well." Then he sat down on the teachers chair and began flicking through the pages of our classbook. "So I guess you are Maisie Lennon and Kimberly Martins?" he asked.

"Yes Sir." Maisie answered for us both, smiling widely at him.

"It's Kim." I added. I hate it when people call me by my real name. So never call me Kimberly or..even worse....KeyKey. He nodded and wrote something down. I tapped on Maisies shoulder but she didn't react.

She was completely dazed and when I looked around I saw every girl sitting on their chair and smiling dreamily at Mr. Styles.


I mean...come on. Yeah, I admit he's not bad looking but he is a teacher. I remembered Adam talking about the student / teacher relationship thing at lunch. It seems like every girl except me shits on this rule.

Mr. Styles began talking about the rules in his class and what he wants to teach us this year. But I zoned out and started doodling on my notepad. I hate history anyway. I have my solid D since I have this subject so I really don't care about it. Yeah yeah, the little A-student has a D in history. Calm down! It's the only subject I suck it's not that terrible, is it? NOPE

When the lesson was over I packed my stuff and walked out of the class. But before I could reach the door I heard a husky voice say my name behind me. It belonged to Mr. Styles.

"Ms. Martins?"

I turned around and went to his desk.

"Yes, Sir?"

He looked me directly in the eyes and his lips formed a smirk.

"Just look to it that you arrive to my lessons on time. And please stop doodling. After I took a look on your grades you better listen to my lesson."


I nodded. " Yes Mr. Styles. Goodbye."

I slowly turned around and left the class. Mrs. Sholden never said something about me doodling in her class. I bet she didn't even see me. I mean...I always sit last row. So how the fuck could he see I was doodling?


After school I waited for Skye and the others. When they finally arrived we walked to the parking lot together.

"First day officially survived." Scott screamed happily.

"Yeaah mate." Adam joined. And so did Skye and Elaine.

"Hey Maisie." I started. I wanted to know something important from her.


"Has Mr. Styles talked to you after lesson, too?"

"Huh? Mr. Styles? No. Why would he?"

"He called my name after the lesson."

"Really? What'd he want from you?"

"He wanted to inform me that I should be punctual to the next lesson and stop doodling."

I don't understand why he just called me? I mean, Maisie was to late, too?

"Oh. Yeah, you really should stop doodling. After this lesson I realized history isn't even that bad." she said.

"You mean the teacher isn't that bad." Elaine joined the conversation. "Haven't I told you he's hot? I saw him leave your classroom. And he really is."

Maisie nodded in agreement.

Scott and Adam laughed. "Don't forget about the relationship rule, ladies." Adam smirked.

"Yeah, yeah." Both girls said unison.

I turned around to see if Dylan was anywhere. He's a senior and actually he's hanging out with his friends after school at this place. But I couldn't see him.

Then I spotted Craig, one of his friends.

I waved at him.

"Hey Craig."

"Kimmy." he smiled. "Whats up?"

Craig is the surferboy of The Hell. Also he's in the football team. He's pretty good looking, but not my type.

"Where's Dylan?" I asked him. I hoped that he would say that he's still in class or maybe sick at home. But what he said next, shocked me.

"Hasn't he told you?" he raised an eyebrow.

"Told me what?"

"That his friend from Spain, I guess her name was Paloma, is coming for a visit and he's catching her from the airport."



That can't be possible. I'm sure he would've told me.

"Paloma? Airport? What?" I stuttered.

"I'm sorry Kim. But my mum is waiting for me in the car. I don't know anything about it. Maybe you should call him. Bye shorty." he gave me a quick hug and left me standing there, my mouth hanging open.

I turned around and saw Skye leaning on her car waiting for me.

When she saw my face she directly knew something was wrong.

"What's wrong Kim?"

I got in the car and she started to drive.

After some minutes I began telling her.

"No way!" she gasped when I finished.

"Yup. That's what I thought, too."

"Call him. NOW!"

So I did. I dialed his number but he didn't answer. I don't want to imagine what he's doing now with that bitch. OH NO STOP IT KIM! I'm sure it's just a misunderstanding.

After some minutes Skye broke the silence again.

"So what is it with this new teacher? I haven't seen him today."

"Ahh, he's not thaaaaat hot as Elaine told us. I mean...he's different than Mr. Collins, for example." I picked Mr. Collins, our Chemistry teacher, because he's the most ugliest.

"So he's not hot.?" Skye raised an eyebrow.

"Don't know."

"You like him?"

"What? Hell no! He forbid me to doodle." I gasped.

"Oh Keykey." she smiled satisfied.

"WHAT?" I asked her. I knew she hid something.

"Oh, it's nothing." she grinned.

When we finally arrived I got out of the car and waved her goodbye.


It was about 11pm when my phone vibrated. I was already in my bed, but I was still awake.

I took my phone and unlocked it.

One new message from: Skye

You so gonna fall for him :D !


Mr. Styles ( Harry Styles fanfiction; teacher/student )Where stories live. Discover now