Chapter 29

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dedicated to cece <3

Of course he had to give me lunch detention. Great. Just great.

I sighed as I thought of having to spend another hour with him. What's worse is that I can still taste Harrys lips on mine.

If only...

The next few classes were a blur and I didn't even bother to pay attention. I didn't understand anything anyway. I dragged my feet across the hall as I made my way to my locker.

"Hey!" Skye smiled, popping up next to me. I sighed, twisting the lock of my locker, "Ready to go to lunch or...?"

"Lunch detention."


"Unfortunately." I said, grabbing my books that I would need for my next classes and replacing them with the classes I already had.

"Don't let him rape you."

"Skye!" I screamed

"Kim!" She screamed back. I rolled my eyes.

"I'd better get going before he gives me lunch detention tomorrow too." I said shutting my locker,

"Good luck."

"Thanks." I mumbled. I kept my eyes low to the ground as I headed to detention, unsure of what was going to happen. I was just hoping I wasn't going to Dylan on the way or i'd be screwed. Taking one last breath of freedom, I stepped into detention to see, wow, nobody there except for Mr. Styles.

Maybe he did this so we could makeout some more.

Dammit just stop, Kim.

I huffed as I plopped myself down in the seat farthest away from his desk. He didn't even glance at me. As I scanned through my lunch, I suddenly felt a surge of anger grow within me. I looked up at Harry to see him grading papers. I threw myself out of the desk I had been occupying and slammed my hands down on his desk,

"Ok you bitc- uhm Mr. Styles, I want answers." He suddenly looked me in the eye, "Now. Why the hell did you suddenly change your mind?" I growled. He rolled his eyes and went back to grading the paper. Suddenly my hand swiped across his face. Of course I was shocked at what I had just done, who would dare slap a teacher? I wasn't going to give up now. Harry suddenly stood up and gripped my hand, "I'm wasn't k-kidding when I said I wanted answers." I told him straight in the face.

"Don't you dare do that again or serious consequences will take place, 'princess'." He mocked, towering over me. He sat back down and handed me the paper that he had been grading.


I was actually pretty surprised since I actually tried on this. I looked at the paper more closely. All of the questions he marked wrong were correct.

"You've been failing me on purpose, haven't you?" I yelled at him. Harry didn't even look up.

He was.

I threw the paper in his face and grabbed my lunch before attempting to walk out.

"Kim, you can't leave!" Harry growled, grabbing my hand.

"Watch me." I mumbled, yanking my hand out of his grasp and walking out the door. I ran to the lunchroom as I heard Harry, now Mr. Styles, yell at me down the hall.

"Skye!" I yelled at her as I entered the lunchroom.

"Oh! Did he let you out of lunch-"

"Just follow me." I sighed, feeling tears come to my eyes. I led her into the girls bathroom which no one ever used.

"Woah, woah, calm down. What happened?" Skye asked, patting me on the shoulder

"I hate him. Ugh no I don't. But h-he has been failing me on purpose!" I sobbed,

"Who? Mr. Styles?"

"No, my math teacher, who do you freaking think?"

"Do you want me to go punch his pretty little face of his?" I grabbed a tissue from my backpack and began to wipe off the mascara residue that I had cried off, "I take that as I yes. And just for another payment of $2.75 I can go and stab him with my knife." Skye smiled as I let out a laugh,

"No, it's fine." I smiled as I applied some more mascara. And there is another reason that I loved Skye, she never failed to make me smile. The ringing of the bell sounded outside of the bathroom, signaling that lunch was over,

"Do you just want do ditch the rest of the day?" She huffed, sitting on the bathroom counter. I honestly wanted to and didn't care about school right now. I knew my mom would be pissed that I ditched but I just didn't want to deal with anyone else today, considering what just happened with Mr. Styles.

"Sure. I don't have anymore important classes next." I mumbled, placing everything back into my backpack and slugging it over my shoulder,

"Lets just wait a couple minutes until the hallway clears up." She swung her legs back and forth until she hopped off the sink counter,

"I need to go to my locker and put my books back so i'll just meet you at your car." I told her. She nodded as we both headed out of the bathroom, going in different directions. Opening my locker, I placed my books inside and quickly closed it, not wanting to keep Skye waiting.

"I thought I told you to meet me at my locker during lunch, princess." I heard a voice growl as my back was pressed against the locker.

"Dylan." I whimpered, my back pressed against a pen that had been sticking out of my locker,

"Well, I guess it's time for someone to be punished, isn't it?"

"I couldn't meet you, I had lunch detention." I whispered,

"That's no excuse." He frowned, sliding his finger across my jawline. I shut my eyes tight as he roughly pressed his lips onto mine. His hands suddenly gripped my breasts, forcing me to let out a shriek.

"Let me go!" I screamed against his lips, placing my hands on his chest and pushing him away. He looked at me in shock and tightly gripped my hand, once again forcing me against the locker,

"I don't think you should've done that. You're coming with me." He said harshly, pulling me with him,

"Help me!" I screamed as I tried to peel his fingers off of my wrist.

"You better shut the hell up or you'll be in more trouble than you already are." He said. I felt tears roll down my cheeks,

"Hey! You both should be in class." I heard Mr. Styles say behind me. I spun around as Dylan released my wrist,

"Look, you better stay out of this, alright? Now we're leaving." Dylan said, grabbing my hand again as I let out a whimper at his harsh touch. He began to pull me with him as Mr. Styles grabbed my other hand and pulled me back with him. Dylan spun around oncehe realized that he wasn't holding my wrist anymore. He frowned and threw a punch at my teacher.

"Dylan!" I screamed as Mr. Styles fell to the ground. He swiped some blood that was falling from his nose as Dylan turned to face me,

"I told you that if you didn't do as I told that there would be consequences. This wouldn't have happened if you would've obeyed me." Dylan said as I suddenly felt guilt grow within me. Dylan was suddenly knocked to the ground as I stood there in shock. I looked up at Mr. Styles as I slowly shook my head in fear and began to run toSkyes car. I quickly hopped in,

"What took you so-"

"Lets just go, i'll tell you later. I just want to get as far away from here as possible." I said quickly, putting on my seatbelt.

Mr. Styles ( Harry Styles fanfiction; teacher/student )Where stories live. Discover now