Chapter 9

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So, apparently I had two problems right now.

1. It's not exactly that luck followed me because Maisie is in Group 3 and I'm in 'Group' 4 which means that Maisie also stays in the hotel until they have to go. And I'm on my room, well . . . on our room actually. I just hoped Maisie wouldn't come in because then, I would beat her.

How does she dare to do this to me? I thought we were friends?

How can she miff me?

2. I'm alone in a group with Mr. Styles. He hates me, I hate him. I'm sure this trip is going to be *superduper*.

Fortunately Problem 1 was solved because Maisie stayed away from our dorm the whole day. Some girl told me she was spending the day with her new 'friends'.

Yeah, I mean . . . if she thinks she has the need to leave me, I let her. I've never liked her that, anyway.

Okay no. That's a lie. Maisie has been a super good friend of mine from the very beginning. But this side of Maisie, I never knew.

I just hope that she changes her mind and comes back to talk things out. But at the moment, I'm fine without her.

I slumped back on my bed and stared at the clock. Then I heard voices outside the dorm.

"Are you ready?" Brianna shouted.

"Just give me a moment." Maisie shouted back. "I need to take my bed stuff from my old dorm."




I heard the key unlock our dorm door and Maisie stepped in, not giving me a second glance. She just went to her bed and packed her duvet and her pillows together.

"What are you doing?" I asked slowly. Of course I knew what she was doing but I wanted to hear it.

"I'm sleeping at Brianna's tonight." she shrugged and walked into the bathroom, collecting her make-up items.

"Why? I thought you hate her?"

"Well, now I like her. People can change, you know." she said, sounding like she would exactly know what she's talking about.

I just shook my head. What's wrong with that girl? Brain-washed from Brianna and that other chick, I guess.

Maisie was done with packing and left the room. She acted like I'd be hear worst enemy.

But then I remembered something.

Maisie is already back from her trip to the manufacture.

And I'm already too late. Mr. Styles said we should already be waiting downstairs when the other teams are coming back.


I looked into the mirror and just like I expected : I looked worse. But I had no time. I slung my bag over my shoulder and ran downstairs.


Mr. Styles was already waiting downstairs, glancing at his watch. Obviously he was waiting for someone...

Not someone..

He was waiting for me.

"Sorry." I breathed when I reached him.

"Damn, Ms. Martins. Where have you been so long?"

"I forgot the time."

He sighed and rolled his eyes. He was definitely annoyed.

Mr. Styles ( Harry Styles fanfiction; teacher/student )Where stories live. Discover now