Chapter 15

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"I don't know if that's a good idea, Kim." That was his answer.

"But-. . . ."

"Kim! It's better if you sleep now." I don't know what it was that made his voice sound so cold. It scared me.

This man is confusing me so much- First he's all nice and caring. Then he treats me like shit. . . .and then. . . .he's nice and caring again. Seconds later he's emotionless and careless.

"Why do you treat me like this?" I cried.

"Oh Kim. No . . .please don't cry." Yeah, of course. He wasn't ready for so much self embarassment. Who would've thought that the little vulnerable student starts to cry in front of her teacher?

"I'm sorry." I sniffed.

He sat down on the bed again and lifted my chin with his hand. "You don't need to apologize."

First, I thought he was back.

I mean, the nice Harry.

But the next moment, I was ready to forget the last thought. "Call me when you need anything." With that he left me alone.

Okay, so now that I know that I have a crush on my history teacher, I'm feeling completely stupid.

Not only that I have a crush . . . .or even love. . . .a teacher.

No, I "love" a teacher who teaches the subject I hate most, who has a girlfriend and who is never going to be interested in me.

Yay life.

Why always me? Why can't I get a cute and nice boyfriend in my age who doesn't cheat on me and loves me like I love him?

Why is everything always so complicated.?


It was deep in the night when thunder and lightning woke me up. Actually it wasn't even that. It was the nightmare I was having.

My palms were sweaty and so was my forehead. If you wonder what I dreamed about. . . . well. . . .let me explain it like this : I dreamed about crashing into the history classroom while Harry and Ms. Winters were having sex.

Weird? Yes ! But unfortunately I can't control my dreams!

That's what you learn when your mum is a pschyologist.

Anyway. . . I was scared to hell because I'm afraid of storms and that dream didn't make it better. I pushed away the blue blanket which smelled like Harry and got up.

Quietly I tried to open the door and tiptoe to the kitchen to get a glass of water. Sadly I had to cross the livingroom for this.

So when I was acting like a ninja, of course, Harry heard me and got up tiredly, looking what was wrong.

"Kim?" he said in an even huskier voice than he usually has. " Are you okay ? What's wrong?"

I can tell you he was worried because of the way he said it. He said it like just somebody died.

"I'm o-okay." I stuttered. "I was having a nightmare. That's all."

I thought he would let me get my glass of water and go back to sleep again. But he didn't.

He hurried towards me just to close the distance between us and pull me into a long and intensive hug.

It felt so good being in his strong and muscular arms again. I don't want to let go ever again. I breathed in his smell and slung my arms around his neck, hugging back for the first time.

Mr. Styles ( Harry Styles fanfiction; teacher/student )Where stories live. Discover now