Chapter 10

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Thirty minutes were over and the guide still wasn't back. I mean, it's not that I missed him, but being alone with Mr. Styles wasn't exactly better.

He still sat there on the ground next to me. His eyes never leaving me. I haven't talked the past ten minutes but he's still waiting for an answer. So I gave him one.

"There's nothing I want to talk about."

He sighed. "Kim, don't be like that. You know that we need to talk."

I shook my head. Actually I would've gotten up and left the room like I always do when I don't want to be confronted with something, or better ' with him'. But because of my leg, I can't. Why does this always happen to me?

"Kim." he began. "Listen, I'm sorry for everything I did to you. It wasn't nice, neither was it fair. I'm really sorry."

He sounded like he'd mean it. But I don't know if I can really trust him. I mean, seconds later he could still be the old bastard, making my life to hell.

But I thought I'd give him a chance. Yeah I know, I'm so nice.

"And I'm sorry for saying 'Fuck You' to you and breaking into the kitchen last night." I answered my eyes locking with the ground.

That's when he got up, came closer to me and sat down again, just about thirty centimeters away from me.

He just ignored what I just said and continued. "Also I'm sorry that I mentioned Dylan that day in the class after what happened.That's not what a teacher should do."

"It's okay Mr. Styles."

"Harry!" he cut me off.

"Harry." I repeated slowly. I felt uncomfortable with calling him by his first name.

He moved closer again. Now it were only about 10 centimeters left between us. I don't want this. Or do I? I don't know.

Oh stop acting like you'd be confused Kim. You know you want him! - Yeah but only the nice side of him.

Damn."So, are we done with apologizing?" he chuckled.

"Yeah. I think so." I smiled.

"How's your leg?"

"Still the same."

"So you can't get up?"

"I don't think so."

"I need to tell you something." he suddenly said.


His voice was only a whisper now. "I payed Maisie."

"What?" He did what??!

"I payed Maisie." he repeated, still whispering.

"For what?"

"For changing the group." he said. "I wanted to be in a group alone with you."


that was/ is weird.

He wanted to be in a group with me. . . . alone?!

I gasped.

"But . . . why?!"

"I can't tell you."

Then there was a moment of silence. He hates me, but wants to be in a group with me. He bullies me in some way, but takes me with him home when I was upset.

"Mr. Styles, I-"

"Harry!" he cut me off.

"Harry!" I repeated again. "I don't know what's wrong with you but you confuse me a lot."

Mr. Styles ( Harry Styles fanfiction; teacher/student )Where stories live. Discover now