Chapter 27

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"Dylan." I put on a fake smile."What are you doing here."

Before he was able to answer my mum joined the conversation.

"He just came by to look after you because he said you fell in school'?. It's so amazing that you two are getting along again. I never lost hope in you two."

Well, I guess she and Dylan could found the "Never losing hope in anything. . ." club.

"Ermm. . ." I started. I really didn't know what to say. I wanted to punch him in the face for being here and for doing this all to me. I really wanted to take a knife from the cupboard and stick it into his cold heart.

"Yes, you look better babygirl. I hope you're feeling better as well." he said, his voice sickly sweet.

"Yeah, I am." I answered, a hint of anger in my voice. "So, I'm really tired so could you two just leave me alone?"

"But Kim! What happened to you? Look at all those bruises. How clumsy are you?" my mum asked. Is she being serious?

"Yes, Kim. How clumsy are you?" Dylan laughed with her.

I really, really hate him.

"Sure. I'll see you at school." he planted a wet kiss on my forehead. It was more than disgusting.

"Goodbye Mrs. Martins. See you soon." he smiled, giving me a wink. Bastard.

"Goodbye Dylan. It was nice having you here."


"What did he tell you?" I asked my mum after Dylan left the house.

"Nothing? What should he tell me? He said that you two spoke about your relationship and that you want to give him another chance. That's so sweet of you Kim."

"He said that?"


Fucking Bastard. Never in a million years.




It was past 9 and finally Skye arrived. I know I couldn't tell her about Dylan, as much as I wanted to. She'd probably be the easiest to remove for Dylan because she isn't one of the strongest or the smartest people on earth, as much as I love her, I have to admit it.

But there was something else I was able to tell her that made me excited.

"So you nearly kissed?" she screamed.

"Hell Skye, shut up." I shushed her. " No we didn't. But I guess we had a moment."

And then I remembered it.

"Why. . .why are you so nice to me?" I asked him, looking out of the window because I didn't want to see his face when he was desperate.

There was silence again. But longer than a couple of minutes ago. After three minutes of complete silence he spoke.

"You know why."

I turned around, facing him again.

"Tell me."

He sighed, running his long fingers throught the brown mop of hair.

"I know you know."

"Well then I'm officially stupid." I answered. That made him smile.

"No you aren't. Not at all."

Mr. Styles ( Harry Styles fanfiction; teacher/student )Where stories live. Discover now