Chapter 17

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"Ms. Martins. Take a seat please." the principal said when I entered the room. I nodded and sat down on the brown leather armchair. It was uncomfortable so I just hoped this conversation would end soon.

Before I was able to speak there was a knock on the door.

"Come in." principal Sanders called. I expected another student to come in who was indecent as well. But no. Instead Mr. Styles entered the office.

"Hello Mr. Sanders. I'm here because of Ms. Martins." he said politely, glancing at me. I decided to ignore his presence.

"I didn't do anything Mr. Sanders, I swear." I exclaimed trying to convince him. Actually he always believes me because I was a constant A-student. . . . . . . I was.

"Calm down, Ms. Martins. I don't know what you're talking about?"

"Huh?" What does that mean he doesn't know what I'm talking about?

"What exactly have you done wrong? I can't imagine my A-student doing something rude." Yep he likes me.!

"Ms. Martins here." Mr. Styles began and pointed at me. "used swear words in my class and copied the test from another student."

"I DID NOT DO THAT!" I snapped at him.

"So you did not use swear words?" he raised an eyebrow. He knew he got me with that because I used them. Asshole.

"I did not copy her test. You can check that and see that my test is different to hers."

"We'll do that." The principal said, interrupting my fight with the prick.

Mr. Styles nodded in agreement.

"And about the swear words. . .", Mr. Sanders continued. "I'll see over that and hope it won't happen a second time. You're free to leave Kimberly."

This time I ignored him calling me by my real name. Without him liking me I would've gained two weeks of detention, if not more. So I'm just thankful that the principal is on my side.

"Thank you Mr. Sanders. It won't happen ever again, I promise. Bye!" I waved and left the office without looking at the idiot.

Kim: 1

Harry: 0


The next day I did my best to ignore Maisie. How could she?

After I told Scott what she did, he immediately called her and yelled at her until she ran away crying. I did not expect that from Scottie, who is actually the nicest person on earth. But for me, he said, he'd do anything.


Kim & Scott: 2

Harry: 0

Maisie: -100

Suck that!

After school Scott acompanied me to hospital because I was finally able to walk without the crutches again and then he came to my house to eat dinner with us. My mum always wanted to invite him.

"Oh Hello Scott. How long haven't we seen each other?" she smiled when we entered the house.

"Hi Mrs. Martins. Too long I guess." he grinned.

"Please sit down. Dinner is ready in a second."

Dinner was great. It has been too long ago that I was so relaxed. We laughed and talked much and this evening showed me once again that Scott is the best friend ever. And I wanted to show him how much I trust him. So after dinner we sat down on my bed and I locked the door so that my mum couldn't bark in.

Mr. Styles ( Harry Styles fanfiction; teacher/student )Where stories live. Discover now