Chapter 24

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"Can I have a cocktail, please?" my mum asked the waiter.

"Mum I think you've had enough." I whispered towards her. We've been sitting here with Harry for two hours now and my mum gulped down three cocktails in one hour. She's been chatting with Harry about her psychological methods on children and he seemed to be interested.

I don't know whether his intrest for her methods was fake or real but since I didn't have to talk to him , I actually didn't care about it.

"Oh Kimberly don't be such a buzzkill." she chuckled. I shook my head and told the waiter to get her a glass of water. God knows what she'll say to Harry when she's completely drunk.

Don't get me wrong, I love my mum, but sometimes I wonder what it feels like to have a normal mum.

When she gulped down her water she seemed to be a bit sobered up but lord was I wrong.

"So, how's life going , Harry'" she asked him. I rolled my eyes and Harry chuckled at that. I shot him an annoyed look but he ignored me and turned to my mum.

"Everything's going great." he answered smiling.

Mum just nodded as if she was processing what Harry just said. It took her some seconds to reply.

"Any girls?"

"MUM!" I half whispered-half shouted. "Don't interrupt me Kimberly."


"So?" she repeated.

"Umm. ." Harry started. "Actually there is someone. Yes. But I'm not sure about it at the moment. It's difficult."

"Awww." mum cooed. Of course he was talking about that bitch of Ms. Winters. They really fit perfectly together. Both stupid.

Harry seemed to be a bit nervous, but I couldn't blame him. My mum was being as weird as ever.

"Yeah." he mumbled, completely distracted. Then he turned around and called the waiter.

"Tequila , please." he ordered and turned around again.

I gave him my best disapproving look . "You're seriously not starting to drink, too?"

It was the first sentence I said to him since he's sitting here. "Can you blame me?" No I couldn't.

"Hell, now I'm sitting here between two drunks and I can't even drink myself." I cursed, loud enough for him to hear.

My mum was totally ignoring us, being on the phone with one of her patients. I don't know if it's helpful to talk to your patient when you're drunk, but yeah, I have nothing to say here.

Half an hour passed and Harry ordered his third Tequila. Now they really both get drunk. How am I supposed to get home?

"Hey hey hey Kim." my mum began to snap with her fingers in front of my eyes.

"Yes mum?" I answered, slightly annoyed.

"I've got to go."


"Yeah, then let's pay and leave. We'll have a long way home since you decided to drink." I sighed.

"Wait wait. No! I didn't mean it like that honey boo." Ugfh.!

"Then how?"

"I have to leave now because one of my patients needs help. You stay here with Harry. He can call you a taxi okay? Since you're having no school tomorrow I guess that's ok. right Harry?"

Mr. Styles ( Harry Styles fanfiction; teacher/student )Where stories live. Discover now