Chapter 8

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"I guess they are already in their dorms." I said looking through the empty dinner room.

Maisie scratched her head. "Mhm..that's shitty." 

"What do we do now?"

"I don't know. All I know is, that I'm fuckin' hungry and that I need food now. No matter how I get it." She can get pissy when she is hungry.

"Maybe we should go back to our floor and knock on some doors and ask if some of the other guys have food."

"Nahw, I hate them all. Especially Creepy Greg." she rolled her eyes. Creepy Greg is Greg Lenson. He's a kind of stalker. For Maisie. And yeah, he's really creepy. Once he tried to figure out where Maisie lived and followed her a whole week, everyday after school. Just when Maisie told her dad and he yelled at Greg, he stopped following her. "Why don't we look what's in the kitchen?" she suggested and pointed to a white door at the end of the room. 

"No Maisie, that's a bad idea. We can't go into the hotels' kitchen and steal food." I tried but she was already too convinced of her plan than listening to me.

Before I could count to three she was disappeared..behind the white door.

"Maisie!" I called out.

"Shhh." an arm grabbed mine and dragged me into the kitchen, "Don't yell or they'll hear us." Maisie whispered.

"Maise, we are not allowed to do this. Please let's go back to our room."

"I need my food. NOW!"

"Maisie!!" I cried. But she didn't listen. She wanted her food. And there wasn't a thing that brought her away from that plan!

Well...actually there was. And this thing was...Mr. Styles, who entered the kitchen.........shirtless.

"Where's the fuckin' food?" Maisie hissed while she was searching through the drawers.

"Uh...Maise?" I couldn't look at her. My eyes were frozen......on him. He looked at us like he was going to kill us...right now.

He was really really pissed off. Maisie hadn't heard or seen him by now. That's why she continued.

"If I don't find the food within' the next seconds I'm going to kill them."


"WHAT? Can't you see I'm busy?" she whisper-yelled and turned around to yell at me....but she froze as soon as she saw Mr. Styles standing in the doorway.


Why us? Dear God, why us? And why Mr. Styles. It' wouldn't be as half as bad if this Auntie Em woman catched us. No, it had to be Mr. Styles.

"What do you think are you doing here, Ladies!" ohoo, he was very angry.

"Uh, Mr. Styles. It isn't what it looks like." Great answer Maisie. Really great.

"Of course it isn't!" he laughed bitterly. Can you please tell me what's wrong with that man? His image in front of the other students is crumbling.

"We...we just-." 

"No..stop it Maisie. You know I could expel you from school?" I'm already as good as expelled so fuck it.

"Only the principal can." I hissed. Okay maybe I shouldn't have hissed. That's always bad.

"I don't think I'm talking to you Ms. Martins." he shot me an angry look. I really really hate him. Can't he just go and move away? Or become a pastor?

That was the point I took maisie's arm and dragged her with me. I pushed past Mr. Styles and just left the kitchen. Gucci-style as always. I know that wasn't the best idea of mine but I just couldn't stand there under his presence. He just annoyed me.

When we reached our room and locked the door behind us Maisie losened from the grip and turned around to face me.

"Are. you.just.stupid?" she gasped.

"Oh...yeah, I'm sorry. Next time I go alone and leave you."

"We are in deep shit now. We are expelled. Thanks to you!"

"What? Thanks to me? Are you kidding me? Whose idea was it to steal food from the kitchen because she couldn't wait some hours until breakfast huh? Mine? I think not." 

"Oh come on. Save it Kim. Goodnight."

Now I'm really pissed off. What does she think? I tried to help? Is she just as stupid as Mr. Styles?

I shook my head in disgust and went to bed...again. This trip couldn't be any more horrible?

Oh dear, was I wrong.


Next day:

"Okay class. Please get together in your groups now so we can allocate a teacher to your group." Mr. Styles announced the next day. We were all together in a big room next to the lunch-room.

He ignored me. The whole time. I mean, in some way I was happy he did because what I've done yesterday wouldn't be over without consequences and I don't want to face them yet. But in some way....there was this dream that I had yesterday. 

Since Maisie went to bed yesterday I haven't seen her because when I woke up she wasn't there anymore. I searched for her and my eyes wandered through the room to find my manufacture-partner. 

Finally I found her.

Standing next to Brianna and Georgina, the schools bitches.

 What the hell? 

I waved at her but when she saw me she just turned around. She was pissed. But hell, why? Was it so bad what I've done? Come on! I don't think so at all. There was no reason for her to be that pissed and go to those bitches.

"Alright so I'm gonna read out loud the groups now. There was a change in one group so just that you know in what groups you are." Mr. Styles said. Time for Maisie to come back.

"Group One is Jonathan, Max and Greg. Your teacher will be Ms. Cave." he announced and Ms. Cave, an old woman who teaches history at our school, went to the three boys.

"Next group contains Jessica, Markus and McKenzie. Your teacher is Mr. Jenkins." McKenzie sighed. She wished for Mr. Styles as teacher to guide the group....that's life bitch.

"Next group is Brianna, Georgina and Maisie. Your teacher is Mrs. Castello." Wait..what? Did he just said Maisie? No way. Maisie is in my group. Not in Brianna's. No way.No way. Tell me you're kidding, Styles.

"That means there is only one person left who isn't in a group." his eyes locked with mine. His green, beautiful, devilish eyes.

Then it hit me. I was the only person left. Without a group. All alone. Thanks to...Maisie.

"Uhh.." I said.

"Because only four persons are able to visit the building at the same time you can't be allocated to a group." he had his I'm-so-serious-look on his face.

"That's no problem. I'm staying here. That's okay." I answered quickly. Too quickly.

"No. We are all going. This means you are a group on your own. And I'm your teacher."


No wait..what?


"It's settled. Groups 1 and 2, you can go now. Group 3 and 4." and when he said four, he looked at me."Our visit is in about two hours so you have free time until then. Make sure you are right here in two hours." And with that, he left the room.


so f*cking short I know! :( soorry ! 

Mr. Styles ( Harry Styles fanfiction; teacher/student )Where stories live. Discover now