Chapter 36

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"I have absolutely no idea."

I buried my head in my arms. We were sitting in starbucks for two hours now, doing some brainstorming for Harrys Birthday present.

"What about lingerie?" Skye suggested.

"No!" I said. "Way too boring."

"What about a trip?"

"Way too expensive."

"New clothes?"


Skye sighed. "You'll never find something if you continue like that."

I nodded. This was so frustrating.

"You could offer him your virginity."

"Stop it now."

"I'm just trying to help."

Skye was right. I'll never find something.


It was now evening. I should be at Harrys in thirty minutes and I had a birthday present. . . finally!! It wasn't the wasn't something great at all but it was from my heart and actually that's what counts right?? Oh hell please. . .when Harry sees this he might actually throw it out of the window.

The next big question was: What am I going to wear?? What do you wear for the birthday of the man that was your boyfriend and now isn't and that you actually want back but. . argh ..complicated.

After trying out hundreds ( literally ) of outfits I decided I'd wear a black strapless dress and well. . .the girly girl I am. . .my black chuck taylors.


I arrived about twenty minutes too late.

But who cares.

Slowly I made my way up to Harrys appartment. Was I welcomed? Would we be alone? What about Harrys family? Will they be there?


I knocked gently on the door and waited for him to open it.

I waited for ten seconds until it finally opened and his perfectly curled hair stuck out.

"Kim! You're here." he breathed.

I smiled uncomfortably and nodded.

"Come in.!" he pulled me gently with him. It was so long ago that I've been to this apartment. Everything was new again. I suppose he even decorated things differently.

"I have to be honest. I didn't think you'd be coming." he said, scratching his head.

I bit my lip. "It's the least I could do. It's your birthday after all."

He smiled at me and I was lost in his eyes again. I wanted to be with him every day. I couldn't understand how I just survived this long without him.

I walked into the living room and stopped in my tracks when I saw a familiar black head with tattoos sitting on the couch next to a redhead that I'd never seen before.

"Oh Kim! We are so glad you are here ! Harry wouldn't stop complaining that you wouldn't come after all."


"She is lying." Harry laughed uncomfortably.

I didn't really know what to say. Why was she here? Why after all that happened.

I turned to Harry and gave him a questioning look.

But he just grinned.


Mr. Styles ( Harry Styles fanfiction; teacher/student )Where stories live. Discover now